yoga. meditation. mindfulness.



To live with peacefulness

Everyone yearns for peace and happiness, but the demands of everyday life can often lead us to a state of stress. We may feel overwhelmed by uncontrollable negative emotions, losing the ability to truly enjoy inner peace. In this class, we take the time to sit, breathe, and become acutely aware of every bodily sensation. Whether it's the meditation practice, the gentle Yin yoga, or the more dynamic Flow (Yang) yoga, each time you step onto the mat, it's an opportunity to rejuvenate your body and mind, and reconnect with your inner self. Remember, yoga is not about working "out" — it's about working "in". It's a journey of self-discovery and self-care, helping you find balance and contentment, even amidst the demands of daily life.


瑜伽 — 非單單是外在、身體的運動,而是內在、心的練習。

Practice in an intimate & non-judgemental space.

Class Schedule. Fee 課堂時間表. 收費

No commitment to all classes; you are welcome to choose the class you wish to join

Booking 預約查詢

Remarks 其他資料

About the Class 有關課堂

  • The class will be guided in Cantonese and supplemented by English.

  • Please arrive 10 minutes before to get change, settle yourself in or even do a pre-class meditation/ savasana in silence. Slowing down our pace and getting ready for mindful practice. Coming to practice on time is a respect for others.

  • As spaces are limited (max 8 students), please book earlier to reserve your mat; booking is on a first-come-first-serve basis. (Welcome to check with us if you really want to join at the last minute!)
    由於課堂名額有限 (最多可容納8名學生),請盡可能提早預約,我們會以先到先得的方式留位。(可是,我們有機會有同學臨時退出,如果您真的想參加,請聯絡我們吧!)

  • The minimum number of students per class will be 3 pax. If there are less than 3 pax enrolled, we will contact you 1-2 days before in order to reschedule the class. 每課最少3名學生才開課,如課堂需要取消,我們會在課堂前1-2天個別通知同學。

  • We know that plans change - changing the class would need 3 days notice in advance, or else we are not able to refund the tuition if you miss the class or make a last-minute cancellation. If you feel unwell, please talk to us to reschedule your class.

  • When Tropical Storm Warning Signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is hoisted, our studio will be closed. If the signal is lowered 2.5 hrs before class, the class will be held as usual. If the signal is still hoisted within 2.5 hrs before class, the class will be cancelled. Please follow our Instagram for the latest arrangement.
    當八號或以上之熱帶氣旋警告或黑色暴雨訊號生效,課堂將會取消。課堂前2.5小時訊號下降,課堂如常。課堂前2.5小時內仍然維持訊號,課堂將會取消。請留意我們 IG Stories 更新惡劣天氣下的課堂安排。

Class Etiquette 小提醒

  • Please take off the shoes on the mat before entering the studio, and wash/ sanitise your hands before and after the class.

  • Although a yoga mat is provided, you are welcome to bring a wipe to clean the mat before the practice. We recommend bringing your own mat, which is much more hygienic and best for your spiritual practice. Remember to bring your water bottle & towel too. Equipment is sanitized before and after each session.

  • There is a washroom inside the studio for changing clothes.



Click here to download Charlotte’s Full Training Background in PDF.


Testimonial 學生的話

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Personal/ Group Private Class, Corporate Class, Event Class
私人/ 公司自組課堂 及 活動課堂

Tailor-made and personal classes are available upon request.
我們可以提供度身訂做的課堂,請電郵到: 或 whatsapp +852 9840 2092 / Click Here!