【峇里素食:烏布兩間超美Raw food Cafè】
特別是烏布市(Ubud),因為是瑜珈的天堂,所以相對地多素食餐廳;即使普通餐廳,素食和純素的選擇也不少。在烏布留了一個月的我,當然要找出特別又好吃的咖啡店。當中有全生機素食Raw Food、純素Vegan和提供蛋奶素和純素的餐廳,每一間也令我印象很深刻。
今天就介紹兩間全生機素食Raw Food的餐廳。
Ubud is a vegan & plant-based food paradise!
Many years after hearing a lot of goodness about this place, I had finally visited Bali for the first time earlier in April this year. Not only attracted by their spectacular landscapes, their plant-based eating culture also impressed me.
Especially in Ubud, a paradise and centre for Yogis, they have a high proportion of vegetarian restaurants - raw food, vegan, vegetarian or restaurants serving veggie options. And each one of them is just so special and unforgettable. And of course, the foods are wonderful, delicious & nourishing.
Today, let’s start with two beautiful Raw Food Cafes!
Colourful & Clean healthy Food
Raw Food cafe - The Seeds of Life
The Seeds of Life是一家全生機素食餐廳,除了有大約20款新鮮果汁和超級食物果昔選擇外,他們也提供一系列從前菜、小食到甜點的餐點(是我看過最多選擇的菜單!)。生機素食,意思是食材不經攝氏47度以上烹調,吃天然食材,把養分全部吃進體內。他們的果昔碗(Smoothie Bowl)不但口味特別,是我最愛的熱帶水果紅肉火龍果,賣相也很特別和漂亮。其他的餐點,例如生機薄餅、沙拉、小吃等等也是利用簡單的蔬食,用特別的做法製成的。
另外,他們的店分兩層,充滿了墊子和“榻榻米” - 超級舒適,也非常適合一個人拿著書待上幾個小時。在布吉炎熱潮濕的天氣下最合適吃生機素食了!
Raw food cafe and tonic bar in Ubud. They serve fresh organic juices and superfood smoothies, not to mention they have the largest raw food menu that I have ever seen! Smoothie bowls are eye-catching and well-presented, with unique flavour with my favourite red dragonfruit bowl. Other dishes such as raw pizza, salad, tapas are made with simple plant based ingredients in a special recipe. Not to mention their place is super cozy, filled with cushions and “tatami” - perfect for chilling with a book and nourishing food! (And large range of dessert too!)
Raw food is simply the perfect food to eat under hot and humid weather of Ubud.
The Seeds of Life
Address: 2 Jalan Gootama, Ubud, Bali, Indonesia.
A holistic raw cafe & shop
Raw Food cafe - the alchemy
健康生活,是一個整體的概念。當中包括衣、食、住、行,The Alchemy 就把這個概念完全的演譯出來。
我們最簡單容易接觸得到的方面,是食物。除了每日新鮮的沙拉吧和全素食菜單外,還提供生巧克力和甜點,素食冰淇淋和小吃。我去過兩、三次,當中除了試過Acai Bowl巴西莓果碗外,他們的腰果奶咖啡也是香滑的。
他們旁邊的小商店,則出售有機農產品,和各種天然產品如護膚品,精油和衣服等。他們也偶爾舉辦瑜伽班、音樂會和烹飪課程;二樓則是結腸水療診所。如果你喜歡Healthy Lifestyle,我認為必須去看一下!(它們寬敞的室內設計和超大的靠墊椅子也是重點~)
A holistic raw food cafe which brings you beyond food. They also sells organic produce with a selected shop with a range of natural products like skin-care, essential oil and clothes. Not only to mention they have a high ceiling, specious design and big comfy cushions filled chairs.
Aside from the daily fresh salad bar and a full-vegan menu, they also serve raw chocolate and desserts, raw vegan ice cream and snacks. With occasional events like yoga classes, mini-concerts and cooking classes, and a colonic hydrotherapy clinic above them, they made healthy living into a holistic living lifestyle. A must visit in my opinion!
Acai Bowl rich like a much healthier version of creamy ice cream!
Beautiful & spacious restaurant.
I will share a few more vegans restaurants in my next article! Stay tuned!