Other than the signature neutral tone in B&W that everyone knows I love (Playing with Black & White), there are days I can’t help but to be a little more colourful, especially when the sky of a sunny day just tells you to do so!
Here are four colourful jolly outfits I put on in my visit in Taipei last month.
跟很多人一樣,我的衣櫃中的顏色大多充滿著藍、白、黑和灰。 除了這些基本、「不會出事」的配搭,有時我喜歡找一些比較色彩繽紛的衣服,穿上去不只讓人、也可以讓自己有眼前一亮的感覺。怕穿得太大膽有反效果嗎?其實只要著重色彩的搭配,任何衣物穿在身上都會非常和諧,看上去讓人亦有舒適的感覺。
這次我特地準備了4套不同顏色的衣服去台灣旅遊時穿,看看下面我的色彩配搭小貼士和旅遊時的 #OOTD。
Top: mukmuk: wardrobe
Off-shoulder Top with Light Blue Denim Skirt
What I love most about this top is the cherry stitched pattern on the linen fabric. It reminds me of my childhood, like the little pattern on the cloth napkins my mum used to give me every day. I styled with a basic light blue high-waist denim skirt. As we all know, blue and yellow are contrasting colours - which may look bold and it's a tricky to wear them together. But when it works, it’s shockingly chic!
Tips #1
Pick The Pastel Tone
By choosing the pastel version of two colours, it instantly lessens the divergence of the two. You can see that they go pretty well together, and the look gives a sense of serenity and surprise.
Palette Pattern Top & Skirt Set
As most of you may know, I love wearing a matching set. You will be amazed by the possibilities that you wear with the set, no matter it is to wear together or separately.
Tips #2
No more than 3 colours
Most people find it difficult to handle when it shows more than 3 colours (even for me!) With less colours, you can play with shades and saturation of them. When in doubt, 1-2 colours are the safest.
Umbrella Stripe top with Skinny Jeans
To go with the eye-catching colours of an unique design, like the umbrella shape tank top here, I tend to keep other items basic and simple. Basics like jeans, or white/plain t-shirts works really well - they are like good friends who everyone enjoys their company.
Tips #3
Similar Colours are Good Friends
Different shades of the same colour or similar colours almost always look good together. Like Red & Pink, Pink & Purple, Blue & Green... Just experiment putting them together, and see which combination is the best for your skin tone!
Statement Pattern Piece
Let the pattern dominate your total look! The statement piece I am wearing is the Chiffon printed shirt, with lots of small details, leafs, feathers, birds... It is also very light-weighted which is good for playing with layers in the fall.
Tips #4
Stick with the colours in the pattern
This is one of my favourite tricks - I always stick with the colour scheme I found in the pattern. Take this look as an example, there are pink, blue, beige and white in the pattern of the shirt, so I chose a white top and a navy pants to finish the look. It is the easiest way to find perfect colours to match, meanwhile you will never looked colourfully comical. (or is it comically colourful?)
Do you find these tips of wearing colours useful? Girls, do not be afraid of playing with colours. You have to experiment with different colours in order to find the best combination with your skin tone! I have never liked wearing eye-catching colours in my high school years. But once I tried, I can never go back!
Have fun playing with colours.