想環保,除了日常減少外帶、自備水瓶購物袋之外… 穿在身上的,也可以有環保意識嗎?
Eco-conscious ideas are not limited to bring your own water bottle… Dress sustainably is a trend!
Your Custom Text Here
想環保,除了日常減少外帶、自備水瓶購物袋之外… 穿在身上的,也可以有環保意識嗎?
Eco-conscious ideas are not limited to bring your own water bottle… Dress sustainably is a trend!
This little challenge of wearing no makeup actually make me to rethink what confident is.
(English Version Down Below)
最近,發現不少朋友也對我的日常肌膚保養程序感到興趣。我的膚質屬有點難攪的敏感、混合又乾性,而且我也怕覆雜的程序,所以我會選擇簡化。一些成分較天然的保養品就很合我心意了。文章中分享了幾個我覺得Must-Do的Skincare Steps,和最近試用過也很喜歡的產品。
假如身體沒有吸收到好的營養,那麼做多少保養也幫不上忙。(就好像每天上健身房但卻亂吃垃圾食物一樣)如果想知道我一直在吃些什麼去保養,可以留意我六月即將推出的新書《素系風格 — 素食與簡約生活練習》。
Someone asked for a skincare routine tutorial on Youtube after my "Eating Food with Foodies on Friday" video is out on Youtube.
Taylor is a super cute and kind girl who make a lot of lifestyle videos for her viewers. In this Vegan Episode, we went to some of our favourite Vegan/Vegetarian places in Hong Kong! So here is the video:
After the video is published, I got few requests on how I do my everyday skincare. I did share once in Instagram Stories (@charlotteinwhite) but never have written about it. So I think it is time for me to reveal my "secrets"!
Having a fruit smoothie in a market in Sydney.
Believe it or not, if you do not maintain a good diet, no matter how much time and money you spent on skincare, it just doesn't work! (As it is if you go to gym every day but you do not have a good diet, you will not be getting the result either.)
For more of the details of how eating could change your skin, I have shared in my book - LifeStyleInWhite《素系風格 — 素食與簡約生活練習》. For the below, I will share few of my everyday skincare steps with some of my recent pick of items.
My skin type is a combination to dry & sensitive skin - 90% of the face is quite dry, but the nose usually gets oily and have blackheads problem. The blackheads problem has affected me since high school, and I have tried all the possible way to get rid of it, no matter it is scrubbing, squeezing or even removal pads... None of them really works and could sustain. But now I have found a balance, and here are some key products I would use to get the clean and clear skin.
If I have applied sunscreen, concealer or brush colour that day, I will clean my face once I get back home with cleansing water on pads. Alcoholic remover really irritates my skin, so I tried to avoid all of them. Cleansing water is a light and gentle solution for getting your face clean, and I have been using Bioderma for 4 years. (I have also purchased Laroche-Posay cleansing water for sensitive skin, but not yet tried.)
As I have mentioned, over 85% of my skin is quite dry, so a cream cleanser really works for me. It is a calcium and magnesium-rich mud with essential oil, and it cleans and detoxes the face at the same time it keeps the hydration. Perfect for sensitive and dry skin. I prefer using it in Autumn and Winter.
For humid spring and hot summer days, I love to use a cleanser which feels lighter. This face wash formula is very mild, perfect for soothing the skin. What I love the most about is the fresh aroma of rose oil, every time I applied it on I instantly feel refreshed.
Cannot stress enough how moisturizing your face matter, but it is just so important! And from time to time, my favourite differs - and here are some products I love recently.
A good toner to spray on face is so important. To nourishes, hydrates, and protects the skin. This organic and gluten free mist have 6 natural ingredients - and I love rose flower oil to soothes my sensitive skin. Besides applying it on face after cleansing, I also love to spray it through out the day, it is just great for lifting my spirits by the refreshing touch and scent!
I just cannot express how much I love about it recently. Developed from the moisture-packed organic Leaf of Life extract, it's a natural hydrating serum which brings a radiant to the skin instantly. The lightness texture is perfect for hot summer days. I use it day and night
This is simply a treasure. I found it when I was shopping in a pharmacy in Paris, and I instantly fall in love with it. Made with 100% natural ingredient of vine oil, this detox oil helps to 1)Detox your skin (a natural GLOWING skin in the morning!); 2)Moisturize. Also, I read a lot of online reviews of this oil, and over 85% of them are positive from all over the world!
In drier autumn and winter days, I need something which could keep more moisture. What I love about Lamer, is that their creme is super soft and moisturizing. Also they don't have a strong smell which I like a lot.
Some of the skin care routine I will keep it as weekly basis. And they are such an important element in the skincare routine.
What I love about this mask - it gently peels the dead skin cell - bringing the surface oil, dirt and pollutants away. And the process is so fun! First of all, I apply a think layer of gel on my cleaned face; after 2-3 minutes, it changes to thousands of bubbles (and you can actually feel it is really working!); after 3-5 minutes, when I massage the bubbles away, there is some dead skin crumbles instantly. But be noticed that do not over do it, just once a week will be good.
As it's name, it is an anti-pollution mask which not only exfoliating the dull skin cell away, but at the same time it stimulates revitalisation and moisturize the skin, best for drier months. There are so much pollutions in the city - a good cleansing mask is always my "to-go" item, I even bring it to travel!
This lightweight gel mask, combined by calendula flower petals and aloe vera, instantly hydrated the face when applying it on the morning. I love putting it into the fridge, and apply it before putting make up on. Just 5 minutes, the skin will have a healthy appearance after the cooling and soothing process. I have been using it for 2-3 times a week for a year already!
"Effortless" is not only a term applied to fashion styling, but also to skincare. To look effortless doesn't mean I didn't do anything, but I tried to keep my skincare routine as simple and natural, together with a healthy diet and lifestyle.
How about you? Tell me which step you think is the most important in the comment below!
Artwork by MakeYour Choicesss Flora Lab
I guess Hong Kong is a place you could rarely find the feeling of Spring.
However, I love to bring back the romantic feeling of the season by what I wear. Not having to wear too many layers of bulky clothes like in the cold days, and not socked with sweat like in the humid summer, but just put on a knit sweater. A soft, high-quality knit sweater can keep you warm when it is cold while it maintains you cool when it is hot.
Here I styled two early summer looks in BLUE, a colour which I love wearing all year around!
可是,春末夏至的浪漫感,我卻非常響往。不需要再像嚴冬中穿笨重的大衣,也並沒有汗流浹背的煩惱,套著一件薄薄的一個毛衫,冬暖夏涼,也非常舒服。 我會以兩個Head to Bottom的全藍造型,把春末夏至的感覺穿出來!
(Knit Sweater) Vitos
(Vest) Grana
(Skirt) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Sneakers) Pairs in Paris
When wearing top to bottom the same colour, I always try to mix and match items with different texture and volume. The gradient blue of the cashmere sweater is the key item of the look, so as to continue and extend the gradient, I paired with a wrap skirt in deep blue. The hand-spray dye technique on the extra-light cashmere makes the over-sized sweater feeling so airy and beautiful. And it even looks good too when it is on shoulders!
(Knit Sweater) Vitos
(Dress) Zara
(Sneakers) Pairs in Paris
A navy knit sweater is always my one of top items in my wardrobe. Basically, it goes well with everything: jeans, high-waisted pants, A-line skirt or even with a one piece. And for this summer, a camisole dress is my must-have item - if wearing a one piece alone is too sexy for you, try to wear with a tee, a shirt or even a sweater inside would give your look a totally different feeling.
Vitos 1925 - the most famous French knitwear brand during the post-war boom, is now bringing back its finest quality of clothes with a fresh and creative style. Aiming to make clothes for contemporary women, the new collection is timeless, elegant and truly comfortable. Be a "Parisienne" by dressing in one of the most historical clothing brand in France!
Have been thinking how it feels like to be in the states for quite a while (after watching so many Hollywood movies). And finally I am here visiting the vibrant New York City.
從小到大,多得看過無但數荷里活電影,一直在想如何美國是什麼感覺。 紐約市,像是世界上的一個聚焦點,城市上精采的五光十色,早已聽說過。
A beautiful bar corner inside Vin et Fleurs.
The first night I spent in this place. We had a nice dinner in a beautiful French restaurant named Vin et Fleurs in Soho area. Everything about french seems to be delicate and romantic. Even the lights in the front door of the restaurant could tell.
And the famous spot - Times Square. We arrived a little bit late on a Monday night. Less crowded as usual, but everything is still really lively. So much my imagination of American-Manhanttan vibes.
(Coat) Sandro
(Pants) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Boots) Marks & Spencer
"When I was a kid, my dad liked to dress me like a boy - I never have had a pair of little girls' shoes - those cute and pretty one. But instead, I am always being dressed in a boyish and decent style, like a little Gentle-Girl." Because of this memory, the designer - Yaya (the designer behind if&n, want to convert that memory into the collection of this season.
Here I want to share my two outfits, both wearing dress or skirt: a feminine and a boyish style. Being polite, well-mannered, like a gentleman, but the term "gentleman" shouldn't be limited to men only, right?
「小時候爸爸很喜歡把我當成男生,會穿得正正經經,從沒有一雙小女生的鞋子。是穿得很帥氣的感覺 - 是很一個很Gentle的小女生。」因為這段回憶,她想把那段記憶用設計衣服記下,所以有了這個collection。
這次想試一試有質感的配搭。純白大衣、簡黑裙子、深藍套裝、鮮紅包包。穿衣服,跟當自己一樣重要 - 讓自己感覺更自主、更強、更美吧。
(Jacket) if&n
(Dress) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Shoes) Camper
(Purse) Vintage
The statement piece I am wearing is the big white coat. The right kinds of silhouettes empower you instantly. Wearing a V-neck suede dress with the coat, two different fabric makes the whole outfit more.
A new wardrobe in the new year means something much more than just some new outfits. Dressing in a brand new style, having a fresh hair-do, allow me to have a brand new start.
Wearing the same coat, but a totally different style with the blazer & skirt set. A simple, yet powerful combination.
Pacific ocean in Tou-cheng, Yi Lan, Taiwan.
Linmei Shipan Trail in Jiaoxi, Yi Lan, Taiwan. (Took this picture during my trip.)
A new year start with a new attitude. A new wardrobe, a new thinking, and a list of new year resolution. It is time to write another year review, look into what can we achieve in the next year.
It is the most wonderful time of the year again! There are three festivals that I like a lot - Chinese New Year, Mid-autumn Festival and Christmas. These festivals are the time for us to gather with our family and friends, to spend precious time together. Here I want to show you some ideas of what to wear in Christmas; and as a minimalist, how to dress up myself to achieve a festive look without getting too many items!
This styling lookbook has featured one of my favourite Taiwan brands - if&n. The details, the texture and feelings of their clothes are unique and special. I've also visited their work studio and talked with designer Yaya, and that was truly inspiring. I will share more of the visit in the next blog post!
聖誕節!一年最美妙的時刻... 我最喜歡三個節日?中國新年,中秋節和聖誕節。這些節日的共通點,是讓我們可以與家人朋友好好聚一聚,共同度過一段段美好的時光。無論你聖誕節的計劃是什麼(是派對?是與心愛的人好好吃一個浪漫的晚餐?還是簡單的會家人聚會?),我也想分享我在聖誕節的穿搭。像我這樣喜歡極簡主義的人,可以如何打扮自己,又比可以平時更特別、更「聖誕」一點呢?
這次在台北拍的穿搭,也特別穿了我很欣賞的品牌 - if&n 2017 FW的衣服。他們家的衣服,很有質感 - 既優雅,而每一季也有不同的靈感慨念。我特地和他們團隊的設計師Yaya和Neko談過,也到過他們的工作室,我稍後一點會再寫到訪的文章喔!
(Jacket) if&n
(Dress) mukmuk: wardrobe
This navy, petite jacket with ribbon details is a good item to go with a simple one piece. You can either wear it tighten up with a "Ribbon" (wrap yourself like an X'mas Gift!) or just wear it as it is, and show a little skin. Here I am wearing a V-neck little black dress, the suede fabric adds more texture to the whole look. Over 90% of time I would choose to wear a little black dress in parties. Why? Because it is simple, classic and effortless. You can never go wrong with it.
It's finally the Christmas Day - the most wonderful time of the year! I like to spend the day with friends and family - Having Christmas lunch and having barbeque party are the most fun thing to do! Meanwhile I like to wear the most festive colour "Red". This is an overall dress I got last year (I wore it on the last CNY, too), and I style it with a pair of culottes for an extra layer, also to keep me warm even it is cold outside. Trust me, wearing a pair of pants underneath a dress is the trend that you must try in this season!
Don't be afraid of festive colour! Believe in the colour therapy, and sometimes wearing bright colour will instantly brighten up yours, and your friends' mood, too!
Most girls under-estimate the importance of hairstyle. (I found it even more common in Hong Kong!) We spent a lot investing in clothing or makeup, we always go shopping, looking at mix & match and make-up video online... But how about your hair, girls? Are you still keeping a long, straight hair? Or thinking to have a change, and have a fresh haircut like I do? To me, a total look couldn't be completed without good hair.
我們一般都花很多時間和金錢投資在服裝或化妝品上,無論是去購物、還是在網上看穿搭和化妝教學... 但是,頭髮呢?你還留著清湯掛臉的長頭髮嗎?還是想改變一下,換個新形像?對我來說,假如早上沒時間好好弄頭髮,整個造型就不以完整了,然後全天也會沒自信的在亂撥頭髮。
I keep my hair maintained by visiting the hair stylist once every month (sometimes, I do visit him more often when I am having a super short pixie style hair). Find your stylist, and discuss with him/her, ask for advices... It seems to be a simple cut or trim, but surely it would make a different.
剪短髮以來,基本上我每個月去拜訪髮型師一次,因為要保持短髮的狀態...(以前,我還束著超短的短髮時,兩、三個星期便要修剪一次)。找到一個合適的專業造型師,並與他討論、徵求意見... 看似是簡單的修剪,但在細節上看,是肯定有不同的。
(Jacket) Uniqlo
(Top) Grana
(Pants) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Shoes) Anthology Paris
(Headpiece) Karin Cogen Millinery
And these are some pictures I took when I was visiting the weekend market in Le Marais, Paris. And it was my pleasure to know Karin - the designer behind the brand!
這是我在巴黎Le Marais逛週末市場時拍的一些照片;那天更認識了Karin,頭飾的設計師交流呢。
So, spend an extra 5-10 minutes to do your hair in the morning - if you really don't have the time... Maybe investing in some head pieces or hats would help!
所以,無論是男生還是女生,早上請再多花5-10分鐘弄好頭髮才出門吧!假苦真的沒有時間... 也許投資一頂帽子或頭飾也會有幫助呢!這也解釋了為什麼我是個「頭飾控」吧...
身為一個Freelance的創作人,我從來沒有一個固定的工作室。大部份的時間我也是在不同的地方/攝影棚拍照;或在家裡/咖啡廳工作。那拍攝的時候,我會穿什麼呢?因為要爬高爬低、所以一定要保持靈活性;但同時, 看起來有專業感覺、有時尚感也很重要。
Working in the creative industry, I've never had an office. Most of the time I am either shooting in locations/studio; meeting with clients, or working at home/coffee shops. What I wear during a shoot? My outfit should be flexible in moving, but at the same time looking professional, and stylish. Here is one of my favourite look.
(Top) Marks & Spencer
(Pants) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Shoes) Reebok
(Accessories) Emphasis
無論是工作還是出街,裙褲已經成為我很喜歡的單品(這條特別的條紋也是我其中一條很喜歡的!)。我配搭了一件羊毛圓領毛衣。 說到毛衣,裝修剪裁是很重要的。 而一件完美合身的毛衣,就像一件好基本的T卹,在任何場合也可以穿起它(既經典又舒適)。 也讓我想起了穿校服的日子呢...
對於頭髮造型,我傾向於保持簡單。最簡單的,是把濕凝膠塗在頭髮上,用梳子向後刷。 它可以幫助我的頭髮造型,整天也不會塌下來呢!
The stripe on this boxy, wool culottes stands out from normal looks. Here I wear a wool round-neck sweater. When it comes to sweaters, fitting is very important. And a perfectly fitted sweater, is like a good basic t-shirt, that you can throw it on in any occasions. It reminds me of the school uniform days - classic and comfy.
For the hair-styling, I tend to keep it simple by putting wet-gel all over my hair and brush it with a comb. It helps my hair to stay in shape all day.
如果我在穿 棕色系 的鞋子...
如果我在穿 黑/白/藍色系 的鞋子...
最喜歡的一定是銀色系的首飾。 就像我在這裡穿的,一只銀手鐲、 同時戴上兩三個戒指,以不同的風格混搭,會比單獨戴起的感覺完全不同。這是我幾乎每天都可以戴的組合呢。
I never over-do accessories. And I follow one rule in my styling.
If I am wearing brown shoes...
I usually put on vintage watches or vintage bracelet, rings in copper tone.
If I am wearing black/white/navy shoes...
Without doubt, I will pair with silver-tone accessories. Like what I'm wearing here, a silver-diamond bangle, and rings from Emphasis. Wearing two to three rings at the same time, mix and match with different style, would have a completely different feeling than wearing them alone. I could wear this combination almost every day! It is timeless and finely made.
最後,我想和大家分享,在2016年我參與的一個舞蹈作品: "ON VIEW: HONG KONG" 。能與這些有才華的藝術家合作,是一個很難得的經驗;當中有很多相片我也非常喜歡。(同時也在 "ON VIEW: HONG KONG" 一書中發表)
Here I want to share with you, one of the photography work I did last year, "ON VIEW: HONG KONG" - A video project by an Australian choreographer and video artist Sue Healey. It was an amazing experience to have the change to collaborate with these amazing artists. These photos are published in the book - "ON VIEW: HONG KONG".
More of On View: Hong Kong - Here.
Do you have a "go-to" working outfit? How do you stay stylish every day? Or do you want to see more of my working day outfits? Comments below and let me know your thoughts!
我總喜歡幻想著我在巴黎會穿什麼。除了一些當Parisian風格的規則(自信的、穿合身的衣服)外- how to dress like a Parisian ,我覺得最重要的,是隨性。今天起床時想著自己想穿什麼,顏色、風格,便從衣櫃中找出合心意的衣服。有時,裝扮作一個Paris女生也很有趣,就像我這邊穿的,比較女性化、優雅的打扮。
I always have a fantasy for Paris, the city of romance. And how much I am into Parisian street style. Be confident in my own skin, dress confidently and in a way that every item fits my body. My last article shared how to dress like a Parisian - so here I want to share, what I really wear when I am in Paris.
雖則平時我比較喜愛純色的打扮,但有一種圖案印花我是可以永遠穿的... 是波點!無論是大或小,黑、白配的波點圖案也是我的最愛。這條繫腰的連衣裙是我旅遊時最愛穿的單品。單獨穿時,配上平頭芭蕾舞、高跟鞋可以有優確的女生感覺;或者配搭牛仔褲和白色運動鞋時就可以輕鬆、隨性一點。有時,我甚至把它當作為一個外套穿,層次感更豐富一點。是最容易配搭的單品呢。
The only print that I would wear forever - Classic Polka-dot. No matter it is big or little print, my favourite always go to the match of black & white. This wrap dress is one of the best travelling companion - that you can dress up with wearing it alone and pair with a flats or high heels; or dress down with a pair of denim jeans and white sneakers. Sometimes I even wear it as a light jackets as layering too. The easiest item to mix & match!
也許是受我父親的影響, 我是很喜歡穿Chelsea靴 - 尤其是黑色的。這雙靴子經典可以追溯到維多利亞時代,到現在一直也是男女常穿的款式。無論跟什麼風格的打扮 - 穿裙子、褲子也很好配。這一雙是這次旅遊時,在一家法國品牌的店買的;幾天後,男朋友也在同一家店買了一雙棕色的。很推介!
Influenced by my father, I am obsessed with Chelsea boots - especially in black. The boots dates back to the Victorian era, which are wear by mens mostly. However, it has been a trend for years. It gets well with dress, skirt, pants and almost everything. I got my pair in one of my favourite shop in Paris - and then few days later I brought my boyfriend to the same place and got a pair in brown, too. They are highly stylish and just fit perfectly with any outfits.
Shoes: Anthology Paris
是的,畫家貝雷帽是今個秋冬非常流行的單品。這幾年,我總是喜歡戴著海軍藍色或黑色的畫家帽。上個星期天,當我完成工作,在Le Marais附近閒走時,我走進了一個獨立的設計師品牌的聖誕市集,找到一個造頭飾的設計師,買了這個獨特顏色的帽子。不用多說,這個名為Yves Klein的藍色成為了我造型的焦點,也讓我在三度的寒冷天氣下好好保暖。
Yes, Beret hat is in trend! In these years I always wear them in navy or black (I got mine from American Appearel). When I was wandering around Le Marais on a Sunday, I found a Christmas market which gather independent designer brands - the designer she did a lot of unique headpiece. This special colour named Yves Klein named after the French artist (Read more here) - bring a French touch to my whole outfit. The best buy in my whole trip!
The shooting day is one of the rare sunny day in Paris when I was there... After the shooting, we sat down for a drink, and talked about the life after we graduated. Yes, these beautiful pictures are from (@PJ_lam), a talented Fashion Photographer based in Paris now. Follow her IG for amazing inspirations and works!
拍攝的這天是我在Paris十一天裡面難得好天氣。拍擇過後跟大學同學坐下,飲了杯紅酒,談談大家畢業後的生活。畢業後的我們沒聯絡,卻為對方的一點點成就而感到高興,住到Paris的PJ是非常有才華的Fashion Photgragraper (@PJ_lam),大家也要留意!
The morning, with sunshine, flowers, and your best friend. The precious, quality time you spent with someone who is inspiring - talking about what is happening in life, about works, relationships, families... or simply just chit-chat.
I met Samantha 5 years ago in my dance group. We used to dance together, and after we left the group, as freelancer, we worked on several creative project since last year. Since then we have been really good friends. Here, I want to share a simple conversation about ourselves. (3 important questions!) And yes, we are wearing my shop mukmuk: wardrobe collection! (And Samantha's Pink Shirt is on 30% discount!) Find it here.
充滿陽光的早上、美麗的鮮花、約一個想見的朋友... 談生活上發生的事、談工作,談感情,談家庭...... 簡單地聊天、聽聽對方的想法,也許會為你帶來一些新的看法。
Samantha 是我五年前跳舞認識的朋友。離開舞團以後,因為我們的工作性質,同時地也是自由身工作者的我們經常有機會一起合作。這文章中有三個簡單問題(及我們的答案);除了希望讓你了解我們(SLASH的工作)多一點之外,也希望可以讓你想想屬於你自己的答案。對啊,你們看到我們身上很美的,也是 mukmuk: wardrobe 的衣服,她身上的薄紗恤衫裙更在做30%折扣優惠,在這Link可以找到。
We have been work together for many creative projects, me being photographer and Samantha being the art director.
I am a "SLASH" - Florist at Make Your Choicesss Floral Lab; Leather Maker at Make Your Choicesss, also a Founder of Wedfloks - an online wedding resource sharing platform). I also do art direction and styling freelance works. I am passionate about doing any challenging works.
Slash :花藝師@Make Your Choicesss Floral Lab ,皮革匠@Make Your Choicesss,婚禮分享平台創辦人及編輯@wedfolks 。有時會做Art direction / Styling的工作。但其實總括而言,我選擇做我喜歡和具挑戰性的工作。
Well, yes. Similar to you, I am a SLASH, too. I am a freelance Creative Director - I initiate photo shoot, direct videos, design graphics for campaigns. I mostly work with different artists and art organizations. At the same time, I am the founder of an online fashion store mukmuk: wardrobe. I am also a Fashion & Lifestyle Blogger.
跟妳一樣,我也是身兼幾個身份。我是自由身創作人 - 主要是擇影、錄像指導、平面設計 ;大多和不多同藝術團體合作。同時,我亦是網上時裝店 “mukmuk: wardrobe” 主理人。我也是時尚博客,在網誌、YOUTUBE頻道分享自己對「美」的一套生活態度。
I love the process of self-discovery - to know what I can do, my ability. I learn my technique from studying it myself (sometimes from books or youtube!). It is true that I could learn faster if there is someone teaching; however, learning from mistakes give me extra satisfaction which pushes me to go further!
Being able to create. Nothing satisfies me more than putting what in my mind into reality.
3 years ago, I was (or have always been?) a determined, strong-willed person, if I decided I have to do something, I will go for it whatever it takes! 3 years from now... It is difficult to say it solidly. People always ask the same question: "Have you achieved your dream?" No. My biggest dream is to be able to make different choices according to different stages of life. So it won't be achieved until I die! (Well... it's true). I wish that I am still a strong-willed person after 3 years, still doing what I want to do - but at the same time, spending some time for myself and the people I love.
三年前,我是一個倔強和向前衝的人,一但想到要做,就不顧一切地嘗試。很難說三年後我希望完成/達到甚麼,因為我了解自己實在太Free Flow, 經常有人問我是否已經完成了夢想,並不。我最大的夢想是在人生不同階段能自由地選擇想做的事,所以我的夢想在人生完結的一刻才真正完成。三年後我希望自己依然倔強,堅持去做想做的事,但偶爾慢下來多一點了解自己,了解身邊人。
I was a learner 3 years ago. Learning how to run an online shop, and how to start directing different creative projects. 3 years later... Be more confident and content in creative works, I guess? Still being passionate about what I am doing, and at the same time, "Stay hungry & Keep Learning".
2014年,我剛開始 mukmuk: wardrobe 和Freelance Creative的工作。開一間網上時裝店不容易,雖然不用付店租、也沒有任何的裝修工作;不過細節上也是讓我學到很多的。例如:入價、Set up網站、怎樣和顧客溝通等等。3年前的我,是起步者。
3年後?30歲的我,我希望是,可以比現在更悠然自得、對工作更得心應手,把自己對工作,創作的熱情延續下去。還有,Stay Hungry & Keep Learning.
How about you? What's your answer? Ask yourself the same questions, and talk to your best friend. Keep inspiring each other, and grow old, and be wiser together.
You are no more a kid. Yes, you're no more a kid. You have lived for 27 years - you graduated from university, you have been focussing on work for 5-6 years, and now you go into another stage of your life.
You have also learned some important lessons in life.
You might have distance away from some friends, but it's okay - you understand that only the real friends who understand and support you matters. You might have several relationships, and you haven't keep in touch with most of them (most of the ex-es), but it's okay - you understand you have to let people go in order to meet the one who meant to be in your life. You might have lost an important people in your life, but it's okay - as the pain helps you grow and now you understand how important it is to treasure every moment as it only happens once in your life. You might have made some mistakes or you hurt people, but it's okay - now you know how to avoid doing it again and most importantly, you now have the power to forgive as you understand the intentions of other people when they did something wrong.
I do not regret what I've done in this 27 years. I am thankful for a happy childhood. I am thankful I've met a lot of amazing people in my life. They make me - "me". Apart from experiences you have gained in the past; just remember, that who you are today, it’s not who you have to be tomorrow.
The most important thing I've learned in these 27 years. And how about you?
Start now by asking yourself: “What’s the one thing I can do today to be a better person?”
Ask yourself the same question tomorrow. And the day after that. And so forth.
Photographer : Edmond Ho
Outfits : Vintage Collection
You don't have to travel far away to Paris for Fashion Week - because they are all there in Macao!
Earlier last week, I received a secret invitation about joining one of the big events in Macao - Sands Macao Fashion Week. My friend, Miracle and I were very excited about it, as it was the first time we got invited to be a part of fashion week event. We had a lot of fun, watched two shows and visited different spots in The Venetian and The Parisian. Here are some of the highlight images of the day, scroll down and enjoy!
不需要花上十幾小時搭長途機去看Fashion Week,因為澳門可以看到了!上星期的Sands Macao Fashion Week,第一次在威尼斯人看多個品牌的水上天橋秀、巴黎人的Show也是非常近距離看到今季的衣服,是個非常特別的體驗。我也到訪了巴黎鐵塔、坐了威尼斯的貢多拉船等等... 也拍了 @Bazaar 的Cover照!看看那天的Highlight,和我一起參加這個盛事吧。
Outfits: (Top & Necklace) mukmuk: wardrobe
And the Bazaar Cover Photo!
Thank you Sands Macao for the invitation and kind host. And I can't wait until next time I could show you other great shows from other cities - like Paris, New York or even London! Hope you enjoy reading the article.
And YES! Now my Fashion Select Shop - mukmuk: wardrobe and I are holding a Special #GiftAway, go to our facebook page mukmuk: wardrobe to join and win this beautiful Lace Choker that I am wearing here! Don't hesitate!
I don't know about you, but some days I wake up with such negative emotions and anxiety that just glue me to my bed for hours of uselessness, until even the stillness in oblivion could not bear me and pushed me away. Lack of confidence, low energy, self-doubt... Negativity has been a haunting nightmare, worse than any imagination of wardrobe malfunction.
I tend to indulge myself in these negative thinking. Some people combat this problem by immersing themselves in entertainment or substances. Perhaps sleeping and solitude was my distraction too, but as everyone knows, nightmares are a force to ignore, they linger somewhere in your room, patiently waiting for the moment you lose down your guard, and strike mercilessly.
So recently I decided to face this problem upfront, and to learn more about these thinkings. I started to ask myself "What do you really want?" "Who do you really want to be?"
可是,誠實的告訴你,有時我仍會讓消極情緒和焦慮影響到。沒自信、自我懷疑... 這些消極、負面的思想其實一直在傷害自己。
有些人會選擇逃避、有些人會沈醉在負面的情緒中。雖然我不是什麼self help專家,我卻想分享幾點、對我非常有效的小建議:包括寫作、創作、和自己對話等等... 問自己「你真正需要什麼?你想成為一個怎樣的人?」好好了解自己,也許是心靈的最好解藥。
Listen to Yourself, Know Yourself.
Sit down, grab a pen and a piece of paper, write down everything that you've been thinking. No matter it is about "what is in my working schedule?" "What should I eat for lunch?" or "How do I feel this morning?"; try to write down everything that is running through your mind. Writing is a process of self-listening; most importantly, you are also observing your mind. Get to know what is in your mind is a crucial factor to knowing what your problems are.
Be Honest, and Precise
When I was younger, I used to think that those people who whisper or talk with themselves are weird. (Boyfriend alert.) Only now I realized it is the best way to communicate with yourself. (He talks to himself even in his sleep.) Our world constantly make it difficult for us to concentrate in our mind. Try to talk to yourself in the morning, ask yourself: What kind of day do you want? What can I do in order to achieve it? In the evening, refresh your mind by listing the things you have achieved, your most enjoyable moments, and say goodbye to negative thoughts; you will begin to feel serenity and it definitely improves your sleeping quality too.
Just simply say "I know you can do better tomorrow!" "Thank you for being yourself." You will be amazed by the power of your thoughts.
Loneliness is a Blessing
“Paradoxically, the ability to be alone is the condition for the ability to love.” ― Erich Fromm.
Most people underestimate the importance of being alone. I am a person who loves personal space, most of the time I prefer having a cup of coffee and reading alone instead of hanging out with friends. (Yes, I am an introvert.) Meditating, reading, dreaming... It also means you have to refuse to look at your phone for some time. (What is it for anyway?) When you know how to be alone, you stay calm and peace in a quiet environment, you can take care of yourself and so you now know how to take care and love the others, too!
I am not a self-help guru, and I do spend a lot of time and effort to learn how to cope with negativity. I know how hard it is to cope with stress, at the same time I cannot deny - we are the only person who can thoroughly understand ourselves. Try not to focus on the past, and concentrate on here and now - What can I do for a better me?
Be ready to change, your life is yours, live it as you choose!
Photographer : Zuice Flower
Outfits : Ziztar
Other than the signature neutral tone in B&W that everyone knows I love (Playing with Black & White), there are days I can’t help but to be a little more colourful, especially when the sky of a sunny day just tells you to do so!
Here are four colourful jolly outfits I put on in my visit in Taipei last month.
跟很多人一樣,我的衣櫃中的顏色大多充滿著藍、白、黑和灰。 除了這些基本、「不會出事」的配搭,有時我喜歡找一些比較色彩繽紛的衣服,穿上去不只讓人、也可以讓自己有眼前一亮的感覺。怕穿得太大膽有反效果嗎?其實只要著重色彩的搭配,任何衣物穿在身上都會非常和諧,看上去讓人亦有舒適的感覺。
這次我特地準備了4套不同顏色的衣服去台灣旅遊時穿,看看下面我的色彩配搭小貼士和旅遊時的 #OOTD。
Top: mukmuk: wardrobe
Off-shoulder Top with Light Blue Denim Skirt
What I love most about this top is the cherry stitched pattern on the linen fabric. It reminds me of my childhood, like the little pattern on the cloth napkins my mum used to give me every day. I styled with a basic light blue high-waist denim skirt. As we all know, blue and yellow are contrasting colours - which may look bold and it's a tricky to wear them together. But when it works, it’s shockingly chic!
By choosing the pastel version of two colours, it instantly lessens the divergence of the two. You can see that they go pretty well together, and the look gives a sense of serenity and surprise.
Palette Pattern Top & Skirt Set
As most of you may know, I love wearing a matching set. You will be amazed by the possibilities that you wear with the set, no matter it is to wear together or separately.
Most people find it difficult to handle when it shows more than 3 colours (even for me!) With less colours, you can play with shades and saturation of them. When in doubt, 1-2 colours are the safest.
Umbrella Stripe top with Skinny Jeans
To go with the eye-catching colours of an unique design, like the umbrella shape tank top here, I tend to keep other items basic and simple. Basics like jeans, or white/plain t-shirts works really well - they are like good friends who everyone enjoys their company.
Different shades of the same colour or similar colours almost always look good together. Like Red & Pink, Pink & Purple, Blue & Green... Just experiment putting them together, and see which combination is the best for your skin tone!
Statement Pattern Piece
Let the pattern dominate your total look! The statement piece I am wearing is the Chiffon printed shirt, with lots of small details, leafs, feathers, birds... It is also very light-weighted which is good for playing with layers in the fall.
This is one of my favourite tricks - I always stick with the colour scheme I found in the pattern. Take this look as an example, there are pink, blue, beige and white in the pattern of the shirt, so I chose a white top and a navy pants to finish the look. It is the easiest way to find perfect colours to match, meanwhile you will never looked colourfully comical. (or is it comically colourful?)
Do you find these tips of wearing colours useful? Girls, do not be afraid of playing with colours. You have to experiment with different colours in order to find the best combination with your skin tone! I have never liked wearing eye-catching colours in my high school years. But once I tried, I can never go back!
Have fun playing with colours.
Black and white, which one are you?
Some like it black, some like it white. They are like the couple who never agrees with each other but they live in perfect harmony. It is punishingly hard to stand out from the crowd wearing these colours, as they are the safest choices among the cliches. But with a little creativity and details, you may just be able to do it!
All about layering & mixing different texture
Top - Ziztar | Skirt - mukmuk: wardrobe
Flared sleeves mesh top with a black asymmetrical skirt. The outfit went well together playing off textures, the top being a great statement piece while the other part keeping low-profile. The little daisy flower stitch just stole my heart!
Voluminous Statement White Maxi-skirt
Top - Vintage | Skirt - Ziztar
Still remember my last post, How French Woman style their clothes? I cannot stress enough the importance of knowing your proportion. Here I styled a light weight crop top with the voluminous white gown to balance out the outfit. This statement maxi-skirt instantly brought the outfit to another level. The high-waisted fits of the skirt also made the legs look longer, I looked at least 5cm taller without heels here!
Every details make a difference.
Pay attention to finding your statement piece, feel free to mix & match with your creativity! Your imagination will always bring colours to your outfit, even they are in black or white.
Watch my Styling Lookbook Video here!
Phographer : Ng Yat Lung
Impeccably dressed women walking on the street in Paris.
When it comes to style, French women always catch my attention. It is a world away from the 'cutey chic' Korean fitting, and just a notch more natural, more subtle than the typically pompous “American Appeal” style. So what makes the French Style so unique and ever-classy?
Here's few rules I observed...
Blazer, Tee & Pants - Kitsune | Heels - About Arianne
It doesn’t mean you don’t have to buy anything. Rather, it is about finding the perfect items and stick with them. The cutting has to fit your body and the style should be timeless. One rule of thumb is that my daughter, or even my grand-children could still wear what's in my wardrobe, when the time comes, it will still be in-trend. It also means good investment!
The word “Effortless” comes to mind when I picture the Parisian woman. Effortless doesn’t only mean they look effortless, but also that they won’t wear anything that makes them uncomfortable. For example, a pair of chic flats is always the ideal daily wear. The good ones! Not the cheap ones you find on the streets. A good pair lasts forever - sophisticated, easy-to-wear, comfortable and always in style.
Top & Jeans - Kitsune | Heels - About Arianne | Bag - The Cambridge Satchel Company
Again, I can never stress enough: Never wear anything that doesn’t fit your body! If you’re a size M, don’t go for size S or size L because they just doesn’t fit your figure, even when someone tells you otherwise! Often it is not the style that is not working, but than the size and proportion are wrong. (See our following point.) However, I do admit that sometimes slouchy clothes like an oversized boyfriend’s shirt works really well. Well, that is if you don't mind the smell..!
Many Hong Kong girls underestimated the importance of finding the proportion of fitting on your body. There is a simple rule in balancing your overall shape. For example, if you are wearing a pair of culottes, which the boxy fit carries weight, you should wear something lighter in the upper part; if you are wearing a voluminous coat, a fitted bottom will balance out the top. So, no matter what your body shape is, you can almost wear anything as long as you have this rule in mind!
It’s hard not to notice the beautiful and faultlessly dressed woman on the streets of Paris. The thought of their figures and faces often accompany with something more elusive and ethereal - their fragrances. Scent is such a romantic memory.
Take the time to find the looks that work best for you, and try to find ones that can last a lifetime. Embrace your imperfections – even if they are scars, freckles or wrinkles. It is okay to be imperfect. Maybe that is why Parisian women are so irresistible. They are so imperfect, yet comfortably so.
Let your natural self be beautiful, let go of your insecurities, let your confidence shine - That’s how they do it!
PS: Look at how I styled 3 classy, elegant yet effortless looks with Styling Tips!
Phographer : Ng Yat Lung
Venue : Make Your Choicesss Floral Lab
It is time for the annual CENTRESTAGE Fashion Show - one of the fashion events I look forward to attending each year. I always find these shows very inspiring; the passion and life our talented designers put into his or her work reminds me the importance of diligence and detail necessary in the field of arts. And this year's Elite show was definitely not a let down, assorted with lines of true excellence and charm.
Based in Seoul, the designer seems to redesign the classic tailoring. Evidently in how he overlap different items to create a new silhouette. Shirts, pants and blazers are constructed into a totally new style by mixing the classic items and street looks. A fanatic of white, I wish I could wear all the pasty items, the cutting and silhouette would look just perfect on me.
The Hong Kong based studio creates a ready-to-wear collection with a laid-back simplicity, crafted by modern cutting and a touch of fluid, eclectic aesthetic. The palette of colours in this collection would fit into any woman's closet easily. Reflecting on the “Every Day”, the Hong Kong based designers create a ready-to-wear collection with a laid-back simplicity, emphasised by modern cutting and a fluid, eclectic aesthetic. The color palette of the collection is also very beautiful.
Here I am wearing a parka-dot one-piece black dress by Uniqlo x Ines de la fressange and a pair of Camper flats. Simple. It matches unintentionally with my brother Calvin, too.
ITo see more actions of the Elite Show, make sure you visit my Youtube channel for a Vlog!
(And, show your love by SUBSCRIBING!)
Bright sun, blue sky, warm breeze... Who doesn't love them? Living in Hong Kong, is very hot and humid in summertime, with frequent thunderstorms and occasional typhoons. I remember when I was still in primary school, I used to wear my "Yellow Raincoat" a lot (the kind that you can even cover your big backpack) during rainy days because it was so convenient to move around!
And yes, I've found this classic, stylish and practical raincoat from Stutterheim (Stockholm, Sweden) last month! I am sure I can live with it for the coming 10 years... Here I styled this Navy raincoat with a daisy-printed dress from my select shop (mukmuk: wardrobe), and a pair of white sneakers from Reebok - to balance the "Boyish" raincoat and sneakers with a cute one-piece.
異常的天氣帶來大風和雨水,外出時總覺得很不方便。記得小學時下雨,媽媽總愛讓我穿上雨衣,黃黃的,可以把大書包也蓋起那種。長大後,一直在找要找到一件合心意又合身的雨衣;直到一個月前在Instagram看到 Stutterheim 的雨衣,一眼就愛上了。北歐的設計,實用、又經典,還要是我極喜歡,又百搭的海軍藍色。為了平衡這件Unisex的雨衣和 Reebok 白波鞋的男孩感覺;我就選擇內搭一條我店中的印花圖案的短花連身裙 (mukmuk: wardobe)。看著雨水在雨衣外滑下,很治癒啊~
Photo by Ng Yat Lung
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” ― Søren Kierkegaard