Have been thinking how it feels like to be in the states for quite a while (after watching so many Hollywood movies). And finally I am here visiting the vibrant New York City.
從小到大,多得看過無但數荷里活電影,一直在想如何美國是什麼感覺。 紐約市,像是世界上的一個聚焦點,城市上精采的五光十色,早已聽說過。
A beautiful bar corner inside Vin et Fleurs.
The first night I spent in this place. We had a nice dinner in a beautiful French restaurant named Vin et Fleurs in Soho area. Everything about french seems to be delicate and romantic. Even the lights in the front door of the restaurant could tell.
And the famous spot - Times Square. We arrived a little bit late on a Monday night. Less crowded as usual, but everything is still really lively. So much my imagination of American-Manhanttan vibes.
(Coat) Sandro
(Pants) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Boots) Marks & Spencer