"When I was a kid, my dad liked to dress me like a boy - I never have had a pair of little girls' shoes - those cute and pretty one. But instead, I am always being dressed in a boyish and decent style, like a little Gentle-Girl." Because of this memory, the designer - Yaya (the designer behind if&n, want to convert that memory into the collection of this season.
Here I want to share my two outfits, both wearing dress or skirt: a feminine and a boyish style. Being polite, well-mannered, like a gentleman, but the term "gentleman" shouldn't be limited to men only, right?
「小時候爸爸很喜歡把我當成男生,會穿得正正經經,從沒有一雙小女生的鞋子。是穿得很帥氣的感覺 - 是很一個很Gentle的小女生。」因為這段回憶,她想把那段記憶用設計衣服記下,所以有了這個collection。
這次想試一試有質感的配搭。純白大衣、簡黑裙子、深藍套裝、鮮紅包包。穿衣服,跟當自己一樣重要 - 讓自己感覺更自主、更強、更美吧。
- feminine -
The Gentle Woman
(Jacket) if&n
(Dress) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Shoes) Camper
(Purse) Vintage
Calm White with Strong Silhouette
The statement piece I am wearing is the big white coat. The right kinds of silhouettes empower you instantly. Wearing a V-neck suede dress with the coat, two different fabric makes the whole outfit more.
- Boyish -
like a gentleman
Calm White with Strong SilhouettE
A new wardrobe in the new year means something much more than just some new outfits. Dressing in a brand new style, having a fresh hair-do, allow me to have a brand new start.
Wearing the same coat, but a totally different style with the blazer & skirt set. A simple, yet powerful combination.
Pacific ocean in Tou-cheng, Yi Lan, Taiwan.
Linmei Shipan Trail in Jiaoxi, Yi Lan, Taiwan. (Took this picture during my trip.)
A new year start with a new attitude. A new wardrobe, a new thinking, and a list of new year resolution. It is time to write another year review, look into what can we achieve in the next year.