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Read more一家純素西貢 Fusion 純素 Tapas Bar,一家荃灣有機素食高質食堂,讓肚子充滿純素又健康的好食物吧。
Two New Veggie Places To Visit in 2020 Hong Kong
想環保,除了日常減少外帶、自備水瓶購物袋之外… 穿在身上的,也可以有環保意識嗎?
Eco-conscious ideas are not limited to bring your own water bottle… Dress sustainably is a trend!
When you start understanding yourself much more, focusing on your own growth, you will attract the right person. When you do not feel that there is anything lacking, the right one will be attracted to you.
“When you keep doing something for 21 days they become a habit.”
And yes, there are something I will do every morning, and doing so it makes everything different - not only my health is getting better, I feel a lot calmer throughout the day too.
Everyone told us we shouldn’t be limited with how we look, no?
【峇里素食:烏布兩間超美Raw food Cafè】
These Raw Food Cafes are just so special and unforgettable. And of course, the foods are wonderful, delicious & nourishing.
Although following a plant-based diet is not a life-changing magic, it inspired me to “how to live well?” in other aspects. Meanwhile, can we apply the same concept into our inner self?
【純素Fine Dining:倫敦米芝蓮二星餐廳】
Not only one of the restaurant with Two-stars Michelin (In Michelin Guide 2018) but also the World’s 50 Best Restaurant in 2017 (Rank 14th). And they have a Vegan tasting Menu!
I hope this article would help everyone to have a better knowledge about their “Vegetarian” friends afterwards! (Especially when picking restaurants and what to eat!)
Easy to say but hard to do - to bring the attitude while travelling to back to our life. How about a little holiday in our home town?
This little challenge of wearing no makeup actually make me to rethink what confident is.
Having written about some cafes in CBD in my last article, and this time we will visit some other special cafes located in different parts of Melbourne.
Last weekend, I hosted two book sharing sessions in Eslite Bookstores. And I have two amazing news - one of them is that my book reached the Bestsellers in the store.
I guess, there should be over 90% of boys who do not prefer to be a Vegetarian.
Or I should put it in this way, 90% of them cannot stand for a meal without meat!
Melbourne has always been the top city that I want to visit since I became a coffee lover a few years ago.
When talking about coffee, everyone loves the Aussie-vibes, with their signature cup of flat-white and awesome plates of food. So here, I want to document my cafè-hopping experience in Melbourne, and to share with you guys what and why I love this city of caffeine.
423 Little Collins St, Melbourne
位於市中心的一家小咖啡店,是我在墨爾本的最後一天發現的。那天早上,在出發到機場前,我正想著要在臨走前再喝一本Flat White,所以便到酒店附近踫踫運氣。通常,在外地旅遊時,我會預先研究應該到哪些咖啡店,例如「2017最佳咖啡店」或「墨爾本最好的咖啡店」;誰知湊巧找到的Shamber Coffee Brewers,卻讓我如此難忘。
很喜歡他們白色和簡約的裝飾,杏仁奶沖成的Flat White也很好的喝。在店中的短短15分鐘, 發現很多在附近工作的人也會去買外賣咖啡,順道和咖啡師閒聊。除此之外,他們也有一些有趣的書本,讓你可以在留白小空間中閱讀、休息。
The little cafe located in the CBD, I discover this little white space on the last day in town - I was looking for a little short coffee break while waiting for my family to get ready and leave for the airport. Normally I will research about which coffee shops to visit, for example "the best coffee shops of the year", or "the place for best coffee in town", but Shamber Coffee Brewers hasn't let me down.
Love the white and minimal interior, and the almond milk flat white is awesome. Many people pop in for a takeaway coffee and casually chat with the barista. They also have some interesting books for you to read if you are going to stay in for a while.
8 Rankins Lane, Melbourne
墨爾本的街頭巷尾總是充滿了驚喜,Manchester Press就是其中一個。在畫廊和獨立服裝品牌店的旁邊,小巷的盡頭是一家復古工業風格的咖啡店。高天花、磚牆、低掛燈……這些佈局也使小店更加特別。而在午飯時間,滿座的店就直接的表達了——這店對於當地人來說很有口碑的。
除了咖啡,他們還有不同的食物選擇,賣的主要是貝果包三文治(Bagel)。我選了“Shroom” - 烤蘑菇,涼拌白菜絲和自家燒烤醬(有素食/純素可供選擇)。吃上去很惹味,同時它也配上一份生菜沙拉。我朋友則點了“煙熏三文魚”,看上去也不錯。假如你也喜歡咖啡和貝果,就不要錯過這個地方了。
Lanes in Melbourne are full of surprises. Located in Rankins Lane, near to a gallery and an independent label clothing brand, Manchester Press is a vintage industrial style coffee shop. High ceiling, brick wall with low hanging lamps, all these features make the shop more special. It is obviously a very well-known place for locals as it is full of people during lunch hour.
Besides coffee, they also have a bagel-based menu, I had "Shroom" - Roasted Field Mushroom, Coleslaw and House Made BBQ sauce. (Vegetarian/Vegan option are available.) It is full of taste and I like it comes with a side salad. My friend had "Smoked Salmon" open bagel, and she said it was nice too. A place not to miss if you love coffee and bagel.
83-85 Victoria St, Melbourne.
在香港和世界各地的咖啡店聽過“Market Lane”這個名字很多遍(不時也有咖啡店是使用他們的豆子), 今次終於有機會到訪他們的店了。雖然他們的店上沒有提供植物奶(他們提供有機牛奶),純素食者的我未可以在地品嘗到他的咖啡;但我帶了兩包他們的季節性咖啡豆回家,並用燕麥奶沖了拿鐵——它的味道簡直是太香濃了,品質優良這般咖啡豆,早知道的話我會帶更多回家呢!
Have long been hearing the name "Market Lane" in coffee shops in Hong Kong and different cities, for their high-quality coffee beans. Although they don't provide a milk alternative (they serve organic cow-milk), I brought two packs of their seasonal coffee beans back to Hong Kong and brew it with oat milk. It tastes simply amazing and I hope I've brought more!
有沒有人像我一樣,喜歡在到訪新城市時探索新的咖啡店?對咖啡愛好者而言,那不僅是一杯飲料,而是一刻的快樂。希望您喜歡這篇文章,留言告訴我如果你最想去哪一家咖啡店,和留意Part B介紹的另外三家店了!
Is there anyone who loves to explore new coffee shops when visiting a new city? It is more than just a cup of drink, but a cup of joy if you are a coffee lover. Hope you enjoy reading the article and comment below about which one you would visit if you are going to Melbourne.
每次出門外遊,總是希望找一個地點好、整潔、又特別的地方住宿。(畢竟到了一個年紀,開始會以住得好不好作首要條件)而視覺系的我,假如住宿地點具設計感、獨特性,同時又沁入一點藝術氛圍的話,就最得我心了。而近年大家也喜歡打卡拍照,夠「上鏡」也成了必要條件之一。而在最近在澳洲悉尼的旅遊期間,我們便選擇了位於烏魯姆魯(Woolloomooloo)的新奧沃羅(Ovolo)酒店;重點是地理位置優越而且非常便利 - 距離悉尼植物園僅一步之遙,而往市中心也是步行的距離。
As a young traveller, I always look for a special place to stay. Preferably it is well-designed, has its uniqueness, artistic (is good!) and most importantly - being “photogenic”. During my recent stay in Sydney, Australia, we have chosen the new Ovolo hotel in Woolloomooloo, in a very good and convenient location - just apart to the beautiful Botanical Garden and in walking distance to the city.
這家新酒店由一家舊工廠改建而成,裝橫主要是走與工業Pop和玩味風格。除了住宿,它還有一些很酷的餐廳和酒吧在底層,不少本地人也會特地到這裡吃飯。 每一個角落的設計和裝飾都很有型和格調,公共空間中還有很多(很多舒適的椅子)可供你和朋友交流,最適合Happy Hour跟朋友喝一杯。而我最喜歡它的接待處,它的設計也太酷了吧!
The new hotel is transformed by an old factory, along with some cool restaurants and bars. We stayed in 4 days and still find it was too short. The industrial design and decoration of the place are fantastic and beautiful, along with lots of common areas (a lot of comfy chairs available) for friends to socialise with others and have drinks. Look at the reception! It must be the best designed reception I’ve been to.
住宿方面,房間很寬敞,非常乾淨。媽媽和我住在雙人房“Deluxaroo Double Double”,落地的窗戶外是寧靜的海港。雖然這並不是一個很好的習慣,但在旅途中攜帶電腦是我的習慣,畢竟可以隨時隨地工作是很重要的。所以當我一步入房間,發現有一張(很大的)工作台時,是真的很開心——就像感覺在家一樣啊!還沒有提到房間的設計是那些有風格,每個角落也很值得拍照。(所以第二天朝早我就在那裡自拍了一翻!)
The room was spacious and exceptionally clean. My mum and I stayed in a double room “Deluxaroo Double Double”, with a view to the peaceful harbour. Not a very good habit, but I used to bring along my computer during trips, so I could stay connected with clients and works. When I found out there was a working table, I am really happy and that makes me feel like home! Not to mentioned that the room itself is so chic and photogenic. (So the 1st morning I took a selfie there already!)
哥哥則住在“Cityvoo Lofe” 閣樓房間,樓上是睡覺區, 而樓下有餐桌上、一張很大的沙發和大電視。假如喜歡看Netflix電影的你應該很開心吧!房間中甚至有一個天窗(因為在頂樓),所以太陽的自然光可以曬進房間。我總是想像有一天,我會有一個這樣的地方獨居,一個工作室公寓Studio Flat,實用而舒適。而在我們離開前一天,我們倆決定要預留一個小時,在酒店的不同角落拍照,這樣的旅遊活動也真是太有趣了吧!
My brother stayed in a loft room “Cityvoo loft” - with the sleeping area in upstairs and a really big couch (and TV!) downstairs. Then room even have a sky-window so sunlights could go it! I always imagine that one day I would have a place like this, a studio-flat with every so well-designed and comfortable. And the day before we left, we decided to do a photoshoot in the hotel and it was so fun!
總括來說,我們在這家酒店的幾天是很完美的(最不完美的,是未可以多留幾天吧!)。而友善和熱情的工作人員總是讓我們感覺到像回到家一樣。而他們免費的早餐和Happy Hour也是另一個賣點,無論是早上出門前、還是遊覽一天後回去,你也可享用美食或美酒,叫人每天也期待。急不及待下次再回來,或到訪另一家Ovolo的酒店呢!
Overall, our experience in this hotel is totally faultless. The people, with amazing hospitality - friendly and welcoming staff always make us feel so looked after. The complimentary breakfast and happy hour are just awesome. I couldn’t wait to stay in another Ovolo hotel or even come back really soon!
而我必須說說我身上這件黑色上衣的故事。它是來自Surry Hills(悉尼的一個充滿餐廳和文藝氣息地區)的救世軍二手店的,而它只售6澳元(約36港幣)。有人說要穿得美、穿得時尚是非常昂貴的;而我覺得,其實完全取決於你如何做出合適自己的選擇!
I think I have to tell the story about the top I am wearing. It was from a second-hand Salvation Army shop in Surry Hills and it costed me AUD $6 (around HKD $36). Some says being stylish is costly, but well, it all depends on how you make your choices!
(And it looks amazing on me, isn’t it?)
About the hotel...
Ovolo Woolloomooloo
6 Cowper Wharf Roadway, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011, Australia
website: https://www.ovolohotels.com.au/ovolowoolloomooloo/
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” ― Søren Kierkegaard