【峇里素食:烏布兩間超美Raw food Cafè】
These Raw Food Cafes are just so special and unforgettable. And of course, the foods are wonderful, delicious & nourishing.
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【峇里素食:烏布兩間超美Raw food Cafè】
These Raw Food Cafes are just so special and unforgettable. And of course, the foods are wonderful, delicious & nourishing.
【純素Fine Dining:倫敦米芝蓮二星餐廳】
Not only one of the restaurant with Two-stars Michelin (In Michelin Guide 2018) but also the World’s 50 Best Restaurant in 2017 (Rank 14th). And they have a Vegan tasting Menu!
Having written about some cafes in CBD in my last article, and this time we will visit some other special cafes located in different parts of Melbourne.
Melbourne has always been the top city that I want to visit since I became a coffee lover a few years ago.
When talking about coffee, everyone loves the Aussie-vibes, with their signature cup of flat-white and awesome plates of food. So here, I want to document my cafè-hopping experience in Melbourne, and to share with you guys what and why I love this city of caffeine.
423 Little Collins St, Melbourne
位於市中心的一家小咖啡店,是我在墨爾本的最後一天發現的。那天早上,在出發到機場前,我正想著要在臨走前再喝一本Flat White,所以便到酒店附近踫踫運氣。通常,在外地旅遊時,我會預先研究應該到哪些咖啡店,例如「2017最佳咖啡店」或「墨爾本最好的咖啡店」;誰知湊巧找到的Shamber Coffee Brewers,卻讓我如此難忘。
很喜歡他們白色和簡約的裝飾,杏仁奶沖成的Flat White也很好的喝。在店中的短短15分鐘, 發現很多在附近工作的人也會去買外賣咖啡,順道和咖啡師閒聊。除此之外,他們也有一些有趣的書本,讓你可以在留白小空間中閱讀、休息。
The little cafe located in the CBD, I discover this little white space on the last day in town - I was looking for a little short coffee break while waiting for my family to get ready and leave for the airport. Normally I will research about which coffee shops to visit, for example "the best coffee shops of the year", or "the place for best coffee in town", but Shamber Coffee Brewers hasn't let me down.
Love the white and minimal interior, and the almond milk flat white is awesome. Many people pop in for a takeaway coffee and casually chat with the barista. They also have some interesting books for you to read if you are going to stay in for a while.
8 Rankins Lane, Melbourne
墨爾本的街頭巷尾總是充滿了驚喜,Manchester Press就是其中一個。在畫廊和獨立服裝品牌店的旁邊,小巷的盡頭是一家復古工業風格的咖啡店。高天花、磚牆、低掛燈……這些佈局也使小店更加特別。而在午飯時間,滿座的店就直接的表達了——這店對於當地人來說很有口碑的。
除了咖啡,他們還有不同的食物選擇,賣的主要是貝果包三文治(Bagel)。我選了“Shroom” - 烤蘑菇,涼拌白菜絲和自家燒烤醬(有素食/純素可供選擇)。吃上去很惹味,同時它也配上一份生菜沙拉。我朋友則點了“煙熏三文魚”,看上去也不錯。假如你也喜歡咖啡和貝果,就不要錯過這個地方了。
Lanes in Melbourne are full of surprises. Located in Rankins Lane, near to a gallery and an independent label clothing brand, Manchester Press is a vintage industrial style coffee shop. High ceiling, brick wall with low hanging lamps, all these features make the shop more special. It is obviously a very well-known place for locals as it is full of people during lunch hour.
Besides coffee, they also have a bagel-based menu, I had "Shroom" - Roasted Field Mushroom, Coleslaw and House Made BBQ sauce. (Vegetarian/Vegan option are available.) It is full of taste and I like it comes with a side salad. My friend had "Smoked Salmon" open bagel, and she said it was nice too. A place not to miss if you love coffee and bagel.
83-85 Victoria St, Melbourne.
在香港和世界各地的咖啡店聽過“Market Lane”這個名字很多遍(不時也有咖啡店是使用他們的豆子), 今次終於有機會到訪他們的店了。雖然他們的店上沒有提供植物奶(他們提供有機牛奶),純素食者的我未可以在地品嘗到他的咖啡;但我帶了兩包他們的季節性咖啡豆回家,並用燕麥奶沖了拿鐵——它的味道簡直是太香濃了,品質優良這般咖啡豆,早知道的話我會帶更多回家呢!
Have long been hearing the name "Market Lane" in coffee shops in Hong Kong and different cities, for their high-quality coffee beans. Although they don't provide a milk alternative (they serve organic cow-milk), I brought two packs of their seasonal coffee beans back to Hong Kong and brew it with oat milk. It tastes simply amazing and I hope I've brought more!
有沒有人像我一樣,喜歡在到訪新城市時探索新的咖啡店?對咖啡愛好者而言,那不僅是一杯飲料,而是一刻的快樂。希望您喜歡這篇文章,留言告訴我如果你最想去哪一家咖啡店,和留意Part B介紹的另外三家店了!
Is there anyone who loves to explore new coffee shops when visiting a new city? It is more than just a cup of drink, but a cup of joy if you are a coffee lover. Hope you enjoy reading the article and comment below about which one you would visit if you are going to Melbourne.
每次出門外遊,總是希望找一個地點好、整潔、又特別的地方住宿。(畢竟到了一個年紀,開始會以住得好不好作首要條件)而視覺系的我,假如住宿地點具設計感、獨特性,同時又沁入一點藝術氛圍的話,就最得我心了。而近年大家也喜歡打卡拍照,夠「上鏡」也成了必要條件之一。而在最近在澳洲悉尼的旅遊期間,我們便選擇了位於烏魯姆魯(Woolloomooloo)的新奧沃羅(Ovolo)酒店;重點是地理位置優越而且非常便利 - 距離悉尼植物園僅一步之遙,而往市中心也是步行的距離。
As a young traveller, I always look for a special place to stay. Preferably it is well-designed, has its uniqueness, artistic (is good!) and most importantly - being “photogenic”. During my recent stay in Sydney, Australia, we have chosen the new Ovolo hotel in Woolloomooloo, in a very good and convenient location - just apart to the beautiful Botanical Garden and in walking distance to the city.
這家新酒店由一家舊工廠改建而成,裝橫主要是走與工業Pop和玩味風格。除了住宿,它還有一些很酷的餐廳和酒吧在底層,不少本地人也會特地到這裡吃飯。 每一個角落的設計和裝飾都很有型和格調,公共空間中還有很多(很多舒適的椅子)可供你和朋友交流,最適合Happy Hour跟朋友喝一杯。而我最喜歡它的接待處,它的設計也太酷了吧!
The new hotel is transformed by an old factory, along with some cool restaurants and bars. We stayed in 4 days and still find it was too short. The industrial design and decoration of the place are fantastic and beautiful, along with lots of common areas (a lot of comfy chairs available) for friends to socialise with others and have drinks. Look at the reception! It must be the best designed reception I’ve been to.
住宿方面,房間很寬敞,非常乾淨。媽媽和我住在雙人房“Deluxaroo Double Double”,落地的窗戶外是寧靜的海港。雖然這並不是一個很好的習慣,但在旅途中攜帶電腦是我的習慣,畢竟可以隨時隨地工作是很重要的。所以當我一步入房間,發現有一張(很大的)工作台時,是真的很開心——就像感覺在家一樣啊!還沒有提到房間的設計是那些有風格,每個角落也很值得拍照。(所以第二天朝早我就在那裡自拍了一翻!)
The room was spacious and exceptionally clean. My mum and I stayed in a double room “Deluxaroo Double Double”, with a view to the peaceful harbour. Not a very good habit, but I used to bring along my computer during trips, so I could stay connected with clients and works. When I found out there was a working table, I am really happy and that makes me feel like home! Not to mentioned that the room itself is so chic and photogenic. (So the 1st morning I took a selfie there already!)
哥哥則住在“Cityvoo Lofe” 閣樓房間,樓上是睡覺區, 而樓下有餐桌上、一張很大的沙發和大電視。假如喜歡看Netflix電影的你應該很開心吧!房間中甚至有一個天窗(因為在頂樓),所以太陽的自然光可以曬進房間。我總是想像有一天,我會有一個這樣的地方獨居,一個工作室公寓Studio Flat,實用而舒適。而在我們離開前一天,我們倆決定要預留一個小時,在酒店的不同角落拍照,這樣的旅遊活動也真是太有趣了吧!
My brother stayed in a loft room “Cityvoo loft” - with the sleeping area in upstairs and a really big couch (and TV!) downstairs. Then room even have a sky-window so sunlights could go it! I always imagine that one day I would have a place like this, a studio-flat with every so well-designed and comfortable. And the day before we left, we decided to do a photoshoot in the hotel and it was so fun!
總括來說,我們在這家酒店的幾天是很完美的(最不完美的,是未可以多留幾天吧!)。而友善和熱情的工作人員總是讓我們感覺到像回到家一樣。而他們免費的早餐和Happy Hour也是另一個賣點,無論是早上出門前、還是遊覽一天後回去,你也可享用美食或美酒,叫人每天也期待。急不及待下次再回來,或到訪另一家Ovolo的酒店呢!
Overall, our experience in this hotel is totally faultless. The people, with amazing hospitality - friendly and welcoming staff always make us feel so looked after. The complimentary breakfast and happy hour are just awesome. I couldn’t wait to stay in another Ovolo hotel or even come back really soon!
而我必須說說我身上這件黑色上衣的故事。它是來自Surry Hills(悉尼的一個充滿餐廳和文藝氣息地區)的救世軍二手店的,而它只售6澳元(約36港幣)。有人說要穿得美、穿得時尚是非常昂貴的;而我覺得,其實完全取決於你如何做出合適自己的選擇!
I think I have to tell the story about the top I am wearing. It was from a second-hand Salvation Army shop in Surry Hills and it costed me AUD $6 (around HKD $36). Some says being stylish is costly, but well, it all depends on how you make your choices!
(And it looks amazing on me, isn’t it?)
About the hotel...
Ovolo Woolloomooloo
6 Cowper Wharf Roadway, Woolloomooloo NSW 2011, Australia
website: https://www.ovolohotels.com.au/ovolowoolloomooloo/
出發之前,已經有不少朋友告訴我澳洲是一個非常適合素食者旅遊的國家。第一站的墨爾本,是個著名的 “Brunch” 和 “Coffee” City;當然試一試他們的早午餐是務必要做的事吧!
Before I travel to Australia, many of my friends told me it is a very vegetarian/vegan-friendly country. With a lot of options for plant-based diet, Here I would like to share two brunch places which I love the most in Melbourne!
380 Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, Victoria, Australia, 3065
如果你也喜歡Fushion式的餐點,Vegie Bar 絕對是其中一個必要到的地方!在潮流地區“Fitzroy”的中心,它離 Rose Street Designer Market 非常近(手工藝和設計商品愛好者的“必遊之地”)—— 我也買了一只手工杯子呢(我是個質感工藝品控~)。
If you are into Western-Asian fusion food and being a fan of casual comfort food, Vegie Bar is definitely one of the good choices. Located near to the Rose Street Designer Market (a “must-visit” place for hand-crafted goods lovers!) and in the heart of hipster district “Fitzroy”, you can easily notice the restaurant when crossing the street.
Raw and industrial style of the interior, friendly and young waiter/waitress, a laid-back atmosphere is created all over the house. The big restaurant also has a terrace area, perfect for breezy summer days.
還未有吃過早餐的我們,下午三時多己經差不多日餓壞了,所以各自點了一個主食分享。餐點上,一般西餐中的薄餅、漢堡、小食也有;想健康一點的,他們也提供一些較輕盈的選擇如沙律、炒菜和穀物碗等等。愛好甜點者,目光一定會被他們的蛋糕櫃緊緊鎖著——從布朗尼蛋糕(奶素)、“芝士” 蛋糕(純素)到祼食蛋糕(純素、不含麩質);一共有五至六種選擇,真真正正是植物性飲食者的天堂!
第一道菜,如其名,就是典型的素食版Big Mac漢堡!這款漢堡由兩層素餡餅(應該是豆類製品)、素芝士、生菜、洋蔥、酸菜和特製醬汁,配上三層漢堡包組成。雖然我以前也沒有很喜歡吃巨無霸,不過這個味道的確叫人回味,就是回憶中Big-Mac的味道。
All the comfort food like burger, pizza, pasta and fries are available (Who doesn't love these food?!); at the same time, they also serve some lighter or wholesome options like grain bowls, stir-fry greens and salad. Not to mention they have a list of vegetarian/vegan dessert - from brownies, “cheese” cake to raw cake, truly a paradise for the plant-based diet.
A typical vegan version of Big Mac Burger! Ingredients including 2 vegan patties (yes, not beef!), vegan cheese, lettuce, onion, pickles and special sauce in a 3-part brioche bun. Although I am not a fan of Big Mac, this burger reminded me of the signature childhood burger... (I don’t think there are any differences!)
A stir-fry of seasonal vegetables with organic tempeh served in a wok without sacrifice to flavour - it is actually very yummy with tamari, garlic and ginger taste! What is Tempeh? My previous article “3 Vegan Restaurants in Taipei” has recorded my 1st experience in trying it! Tempeh is an Indonesian dish made by deep-frying fermented soya beans. High in protein and a good meat substitute - it really does fill you up! We love to mix the tahini sauce (you can also choose satay sauce), together with the brown rice, the dish is full of different flavours.
A middle-east inspired plate served in a wok with spiced tomato, baked chickpea and butternut pumpkin stew with roasted cauliflower. Topped with currant, almond, hazelnut and coconut flakes. Simply delicious when eating with the warm pita bread.
This lovely restaurant might be my favourite place during the trip. Being well-known for their breakfast and brunch, they make fresh and delicious food with vegetarian/vegan options. The portion is huge (I guess that is normal Aussie portion) without having to sacrifice the taste of it. If you are going with friends of different diets (meat/vegetarian/vegan/gluten-free), it is the place to visit!
媽媽點了蘆筍配水牛奶酪,配上水煮蛋,灑上檸檬杏仁和煙肉碎。她喜歡比較清新的味道,配上無麩質的奇亞籽脆片,香口美味。哥哥則點了牛排三文治——用焦糖洋蔥和甜菜根來平衡牛排的強烈味道,我們也笑說這份量可以餵飽兩個飢腸轆轆的人吧... 超級巨大的三文治、還有厚切的薯條!
I ordered my "go-to" breakfast - Oat porridge. Cooked with warm quinoa, chia and rolled oat, the soft and creamy porridge is served with banana and berry compote. And topped the macadamia crumbles, simple, tasty, and very satisfying.
My mum ordered asparagus with buffalo mozzarella, served with poached eggs, lemon almond houmous chia crips and bacon crumble - she likes the refreshing taste and guess what, this is a gluten-free dish. My brother had the fillet steak sandwiches on sourdough. With caramelised onions and beetroot remoulade to balance the taste. I guess this portion could feed two really hungry people… It is super huge!
They also served a range of vegetarian cakes on the bar, with a selection of wines, coffee and tea. What I love about drinking Chai Tea in Australia - they always come with a full pot of goodness. A must try if you are a fan of CHAI!
Let me know which restaurant you would love to try, and next articles I will share more about the cafe-hopping experience.
牙買加風素食 Jah Jah by Le Tricycle
Address: 51 Rue De Paradis 75010 Paris
全素越南菜 La Palanche d’Aulac
Address: 13 rue Rodier, Paris, France, 75009
現在的科技一日千里,只要你手上有一部可以上網的手提電話,要找素食餐點就更容易了。無論是在Google或任何搜尋器輸入關鍵字如地點「巴黎」、「涉谷」,再加上「Vegetarian」、「Vegan」等字眼,即時會有很多媒體報道或網誌文章出現。最近我更喜歡用Google Map,只要輸入「Vegetarian food near me」,便會把附近的素食餐廳從地圖中顯示出來!
此外,手機應用程式「Happy Cow」我也是非常推介的。無論是全素餐廳、蛋奶素餐廳,或有賣素食食材的商店,只要一搜尋,就可以把在你所在位置附近的店給找到。而且,我最喜歡它的地方是,它具有用戶評分和價位,那就可以參考更多資料了(以防中伏)!我2017年到巴黎旅遊時,也在住宿地方附近找到了兩間素食餐廳,一家是非常美味的全素越南菜館,另一家則是牙買加素食小店,有熱狗和炸香蕉「薯」條!朋友去法國愛吃海鮮、芝士;我到法國愛找全素美食。牙買加菜,你沒有試過了吧?!
Have been thinking how it feels like to be in the states for quite a while (after watching so many Hollywood movies). And finally I am here visiting the vibrant New York City.
從小到大,多得看過無但數荷里活電影,一直在想如何美國是什麼感覺。 紐約市,像是世界上的一個聚焦點,城市上精采的五光十色,早已聽說過。
A beautiful bar corner inside Vin et Fleurs.
The first night I spent in this place. We had a nice dinner in a beautiful French restaurant named Vin et Fleurs in Soho area. Everything about french seems to be delicate and romantic. Even the lights in the front door of the restaurant could tell.
And the famous spot - Times Square. We arrived a little bit late on a Monday night. Less crowded as usual, but everything is still really lively. So much my imagination of American-Manhanttan vibes.
(Coat) Sandro
(Pants) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Boots) Marks & Spencer
Thai Taste Hub, King Power.
Thai Taste Hub, more than 17 shops offering different foods from Asian street food. From prawn ayudhaya, fish ball noodles, to herbal beef noodles (local Thai food); to specially made "Ka Nom Krok"(coconut rice pudding), once only being served to the royal family/big banquet, is now available in the hub.
最喜歡吃美食廣場的原因,是因為在商場中也可以吃到各地方的美食。當中除了有許多泰國地道美食,例燒河蝦、手打魚丸麵、藥膳牛肉湯等等外,也有很特別的傳統訂製椰汁米糕 - 聽說原本只為皇室及大型宴會提供訂製美點服務,現在首次以店鋪形式於King Power的泰國美食廣場"Thai Taste Hub"賣呢! 當然還有我每次都喜歡吃的芒果糯米飯(鐵板上的糯米飯真的沒吃過...)室內設計也別出心裁,仿照曼谷的橫街窄巷建成,在840平方米的空間裡齊集了17家食肆。
The second reason that I like food court - Everyone has their choices! No matter you are meat lover, seafood lover, vegetables lover, dessert lover... You can always look for what you like to eat. So this one, organic cafe & juice bar "Brekkie" is my pick. Range from fresh juice, to acai bowl, sandwiches, burger, all the food are freshly prepared, healthy and light. The acai bowl and almond milk coffee are my favourite.
我喜歡美食廣場的第二個原因,是無論你是肉類愛好者,海鮮愛好者,蔬菜愛好者,甜點愛好者... 你總是可以找到你喜歡吃的東西。在美食廣場的旁邊,就有一系列不同的餐廳。這家有機的咖啡店“Brekkie”就是我的最愛。從新鮮果汁到Acia Bowl,三明治,漢堡,所有的食物都是新鮮準備,健康而美味。他們更有杏仁奶咖啡呢!
And the famous Pablo from Japan - with a King Power Limited flavour "Mini Strawberry Tart". Girls favourite! (For Vegetarian)
和來自日本的著名Pablo - King Power 限定口味 “草莓Tart”女孩的最愛吧!(蛋奶素可吃)
If you are into shopping, there are full of international & asian beauty brands (and all duty free!) And the one and only Le Labo in Bangkok from New York. Always love their special perfume. Also international brand store, for example Alexander Mcqueen, YSL, Burberry... All available here.
如果你喜歡購物,這邊也有有很多國際和亞洲美容品牌(和所有也是免稅的),一次過買就更方便了。也有來自紐約Le Labo在場呢(曼谷第一、也是唯一一家)。還有國際著名品牌,例如Alexander Mcqueen,YSL,Burberry... 等等。
假如今年有機會到暴谷的話,可以到這個綜合免稅購物、飲食、娛樂的全新King Power Rangnam。
If you are in Bangkok in this year, don't miss the chance to visit this brand new King Power Rangnam mall. And thank you King Power team for taking care of me in this 3 days. I've had a great time in Bangkok.
Most girls under-estimate the importance of hairstyle. (I found it even more common in Hong Kong!) We spent a lot investing in clothing or makeup, we always go shopping, looking at mix & match and make-up video online... But how about your hair, girls? Are you still keeping a long, straight hair? Or thinking to have a change, and have a fresh haircut like I do? To me, a total look couldn't be completed without good hair.
我們一般都花很多時間和金錢投資在服裝或化妝品上,無論是去購物、還是在網上看穿搭和化妝教學... 但是,頭髮呢?你還留著清湯掛臉的長頭髮嗎?還是想改變一下,換個新形像?對我來說,假如早上沒時間好好弄頭髮,整個造型就不以完整了,然後全天也會沒自信的在亂撥頭髮。
I keep my hair maintained by visiting the hair stylist once every month (sometimes, I do visit him more often when I am having a super short pixie style hair). Find your stylist, and discuss with him/her, ask for advices... It seems to be a simple cut or trim, but surely it would make a different.
剪短髮以來,基本上我每個月去拜訪髮型師一次,因為要保持短髮的狀態...(以前,我還束著超短的短髮時,兩、三個星期便要修剪一次)。找到一個合適的專業造型師,並與他討論、徵求意見... 看似是簡單的修剪,但在細節上看,是肯定有不同的。
(Jacket) Uniqlo
(Top) Grana
(Pants) mukmuk: wardrobe
(Shoes) Anthology Paris
(Headpiece) Karin Cogen Millinery
And these are some pictures I took when I was visiting the weekend market in Le Marais, Paris. And it was my pleasure to know Karin - the designer behind the brand!
這是我在巴黎Le Marais逛週末市場時拍的一些照片;那天更認識了Karin,頭飾的設計師交流呢。
So, spend an extra 5-10 minutes to do your hair in the morning - if you really don't have the time... Maybe investing in some head pieces or hats would help!
所以,無論是男生還是女生,早上請再多花5-10分鐘弄好頭髮才出門吧!假苦真的沒有時間... 也許投資一頂帽子或頭飾也會有幫助呢!這也解釋了為什麼我是個「頭飾控」吧...
Jah Jah by Le Tricycle
Address: 51 Rue De Paradis 75010 Paris
天然的食材、悠閒的氣氛、最酷和Hip的店員.. 是我第一步踏進Jah Jah by Le Tricycle的感覺。那天早上,我剛好在巴第十區附近工作;午餐時正想找家素食餐人 廳,便從手機應用程式 "Happy Cow"上找到這家餐廳。(詳細程式的資料在這邊 - A Day in Paris)
Clean food, amazing laid-back atmosphere, coolest people there... Using my travel essential "Happy Cow" App on my phone to locate this restaurant when I was working in the 10th arrondissement. (More details about "Happy Cow" - A Day in Paris) When I arrived, this interior design instantly caught my eye.
The Jamaica Vibe !
他們的食物是以起源於牙買加Ital飲食法為主。他們採用植物為食材的基礎,食材全部來自大自然的土壤(有機種植),嚴禁具有加工成分的食材,亦不會對食物加工。 聽起來以為食物會很單調?那你就大錯特錯了... 看看他們在Instagram上的食物照吧!
At Jah Jah, the Ital diet (originated from Jamaica) is adapted - plant-based, food that comes from the soils of Mother Nature, organic, and strictly no processed foods or ingredients in the food. Knowing this makes me (and all Vegans) so happy!
They are famous for their hot dogs, tacos, bowls and smoothie.. (See how colourful they are!)
Pictures from @letricycle Instagram.
好吧,這就是我今天的午餐。 十一月中的巴黎只有攝氏六度,只要是熱的東西我也想吃(全程也不知道有多少杯熱咖啡救了我一命...) 這個黃黃的南瓜湯,不過是南瓜的甜味,再灑上黑白芝麻一種甜美而堅果的味道,再用芫荽作調味!最簡單的美味,是一種純粹的快樂。
另一樣點的,是“烤香蕉條”! 看起來是薯條(烤香蕉造的版本),甜甜的糖漿和莎莎醬作調味。是非常飽肚和美味的組合呢。配上我最愛的牛油果醬 - 簡直就是人間天堂般的美味。
Okay, so here it comes my lunch of the day. That day was freezing, only 6 degrees Celsius. All I want is something hot - Hot coffee, Hot tea or Hot Soup! This pumpkin soup is a simple pleasure - with nothing more than the sweetness of pumpkin, black and white sesame to add a sweet and nutty flavour, and finish with a handful of coriander to brighten flavours! (Yes, I LOVE Coriander.)
And another thing I love... the "Na-na Fries"! It is a bake-dried version of Banana, with glazed sweet syrup with Salsa on top. It is very fulfilling and super yummy! Comes with the Guacamole dips - this is what, heaven on earth means!
As a vegan, I am still a foodie (that I like to explore food local food when I am travelling!) My simple pleasure? It might take a little longer time to find the vegan cuisine in a new city, but once you found them, believe me, you will be surprised by the real good food!
我總喜歡幻想著我在巴黎會穿什麼。除了一些當Parisian風格的規則(自信的、穿合身的衣服)外- how to dress like a Parisian ,我覺得最重要的,是隨性。今天起床時想著自己想穿什麼,顏色、風格,便從衣櫃中找出合心意的衣服。有時,裝扮作一個Paris女生也很有趣,就像我這邊穿的,比較女性化、優雅的打扮。
I always have a fantasy for Paris, the city of romance. And how much I am into Parisian street style. Be confident in my own skin, dress confidently and in a way that every item fits my body. My last article shared how to dress like a Parisian - so here I want to share, what I really wear when I am in Paris.
雖則平時我比較喜愛純色的打扮,但有一種圖案印花我是可以永遠穿的... 是波點!無論是大或小,黑、白配的波點圖案也是我的最愛。這條繫腰的連衣裙是我旅遊時最愛穿的單品。單獨穿時,配上平頭芭蕾舞、高跟鞋可以有優確的女生感覺;或者配搭牛仔褲和白色運動鞋時就可以輕鬆、隨性一點。有時,我甚至把它當作為一個外套穿,層次感更豐富一點。是最容易配搭的單品呢。
The only print that I would wear forever - Classic Polka-dot. No matter it is big or little print, my favourite always go to the match of black & white. This wrap dress is one of the best travelling companion - that you can dress up with wearing it alone and pair with a flats or high heels; or dress down with a pair of denim jeans and white sneakers. Sometimes I even wear it as a light jackets as layering too. The easiest item to mix & match!
也許是受我父親的影響, 我是很喜歡穿Chelsea靴 - 尤其是黑色的。這雙靴子經典可以追溯到維多利亞時代,到現在一直也是男女常穿的款式。無論跟什麼風格的打扮 - 穿裙子、褲子也很好配。這一雙是這次旅遊時,在一家法國品牌的店買的;幾天後,男朋友也在同一家店買了一雙棕色的。很推介!
Influenced by my father, I am obsessed with Chelsea boots - especially in black. The boots dates back to the Victorian era, which are wear by mens mostly. However, it has been a trend for years. It gets well with dress, skirt, pants and almost everything. I got my pair in one of my favourite shop in Paris - and then few days later I brought my boyfriend to the same place and got a pair in brown, too. They are highly stylish and just fit perfectly with any outfits.
Shoes: Anthology Paris
是的,畫家貝雷帽是今個秋冬非常流行的單品。這幾年,我總是喜歡戴著海軍藍色或黑色的畫家帽。上個星期天,當我完成工作,在Le Marais附近閒走時,我走進了一個獨立的設計師品牌的聖誕市集,找到一個造頭飾的設計師,買了這個獨特顏色的帽子。不用多說,這個名為Yves Klein的藍色成為了我造型的焦點,也讓我在三度的寒冷天氣下好好保暖。
Yes, Beret hat is in trend! In these years I always wear them in navy or black (I got mine from American Appearel). When I was wandering around Le Marais on a Sunday, I found a Christmas market which gather independent designer brands - the designer she did a lot of unique headpiece. This special colour named Yves Klein named after the French artist (Read more here) - bring a French touch to my whole outfit. The best buy in my whole trip!
The shooting day is one of the rare sunny day in Paris when I was there... After the shooting, we sat down for a drink, and talked about the life after we graduated. Yes, these beautiful pictures are from (@PJ_lam), a talented Fashion Photographer based in Paris now. Follow her IG for amazing inspirations and works!
拍攝的這天是我在Paris十一天裡面難得好天氣。拍擇過後跟大學同學坐下,飲了杯紅酒,談談大家畢業後的生活。畢業後的我們沒聯絡,卻為對方的一點點成就而感到高興,住到Paris的PJ是非常有才華的Fashion Photgragraper (@PJ_lam),大家也要留意!
If you have followed my Instagram & Facebook, you may know that I am back to the City of Love - Paris again. Some love Paris, and some don't, but my Paris trip has been absolutely amazing. (Mercie for the amazing people I've met!)
Parisian know how to enjoy life, spending precious time with the one you love... That’s how living in France will change your lifestyle, maybe?
See my photo below and follow my journey in the first few days!
你也許已經知道我在巴黎待了幾天。工作是每天周圍去不同的咖啡店拍攝,讓我認識那邊的人、文化,讓街上的 文化氣息感染、浸淫在一個異國的環境。
當中也有很多友善的法國人讓我的旅程更與別不同 - 在法國人家中作客、吃全素的晚餐,體驗到為什麼他們都吃很長時間的晩餐,因為他們都非常重視之間的交談時光;踏單車遊覽塞納河邊的市中心,看到了晚上的艾菲爾鐵塔、巴黎滿街也是悠閒的角落和一個個美好的時光。
Cafè: BlackBurn Coffee
Cafè:Cafe Pimpin
And the Day 4 - the gloomy Paris finally got some sunshine! Can't wait to share my everything here on Blog with you soon.
幾天陰天過後,Day 4的陽光美得讓人不可轉晴。很冷,心中卻因為滿滿的好人好事而感到很溫暖。
You don't have to travel far away to Paris for Fashion Week - because they are all there in Macao!
Earlier last week, I received a secret invitation about joining one of the big events in Macao - Sands Macao Fashion Week. My friend, Miracle and I were very excited about it, as it was the first time we got invited to be a part of fashion week event. We had a lot of fun, watched two shows and visited different spots in The Venetian and The Parisian. Here are some of the highlight images of the day, scroll down and enjoy!
不需要花上十幾小時搭長途機去看Fashion Week,因為澳門可以看到了!上星期的Sands Macao Fashion Week,第一次在威尼斯人看多個品牌的水上天橋秀、巴黎人的Show也是非常近距離看到今季的衣服,是個非常特別的體驗。我也到訪了巴黎鐵塔、坐了威尼斯的貢多拉船等等... 也拍了 @Bazaar 的Cover照!看看那天的Highlight,和我一起參加這個盛事吧。
Outfits: (Top & Necklace) mukmuk: wardrobe
And the Bazaar Cover Photo!
Thank you Sands Macao for the invitation and kind host. And I can't wait until next time I could show you other great shows from other cities - like Paris, New York or even London! Hope you enjoy reading the article.
And YES! Now my Fashion Select Shop - mukmuk: wardrobe and I are holding a Special #GiftAway, go to our facebook page mukmuk: wardrobe to join and win this beautiful Lace Choker that I am wearing here! Don't hesitate!
Other than the signature neutral tone in B&W that everyone knows I love (Playing with Black & White), there are days I can’t help but to be a little more colourful, especially when the sky of a sunny day just tells you to do so!
Here are four colourful jolly outfits I put on in my visit in Taipei last month.
跟很多人一樣,我的衣櫃中的顏色大多充滿著藍、白、黑和灰。 除了這些基本、「不會出事」的配搭,有時我喜歡找一些比較色彩繽紛的衣服,穿上去不只讓人、也可以讓自己有眼前一亮的感覺。怕穿得太大膽有反效果嗎?其實只要著重色彩的搭配,任何衣物穿在身上都會非常和諧,看上去讓人亦有舒適的感覺。
這次我特地準備了4套不同顏色的衣服去台灣旅遊時穿,看看下面我的色彩配搭小貼士和旅遊時的 #OOTD。
Top: mukmuk: wardrobe
Off-shoulder Top with Light Blue Denim Skirt
What I love most about this top is the cherry stitched pattern on the linen fabric. It reminds me of my childhood, like the little pattern on the cloth napkins my mum used to give me every day. I styled with a basic light blue high-waist denim skirt. As we all know, blue and yellow are contrasting colours - which may look bold and it's a tricky to wear them together. But when it works, it’s shockingly chic!
By choosing the pastel version of two colours, it instantly lessens the divergence of the two. You can see that they go pretty well together, and the look gives a sense of serenity and surprise.
Palette Pattern Top & Skirt Set
As most of you may know, I love wearing a matching set. You will be amazed by the possibilities that you wear with the set, no matter it is to wear together or separately.
Most people find it difficult to handle when it shows more than 3 colours (even for me!) With less colours, you can play with shades and saturation of them. When in doubt, 1-2 colours are the safest.
Umbrella Stripe top with Skinny Jeans
To go with the eye-catching colours of an unique design, like the umbrella shape tank top here, I tend to keep other items basic and simple. Basics like jeans, or white/plain t-shirts works really well - they are like good friends who everyone enjoys their company.
Different shades of the same colour or similar colours almost always look good together. Like Red & Pink, Pink & Purple, Blue & Green... Just experiment putting them together, and see which combination is the best for your skin tone!
Statement Pattern Piece
Let the pattern dominate your total look! The statement piece I am wearing is the Chiffon printed shirt, with lots of small details, leafs, feathers, birds... It is also very light-weighted which is good for playing with layers in the fall.
This is one of my favourite tricks - I always stick with the colour scheme I found in the pattern. Take this look as an example, there are pink, blue, beige and white in the pattern of the shirt, so I chose a white top and a navy pants to finish the look. It is the easiest way to find perfect colours to match, meanwhile you will never looked colourfully comical. (or is it comically colourful?)
Do you find these tips of wearing colours useful? Girls, do not be afraid of playing with colours. You have to experiment with different colours in order to find the best combination with your skin tone! I have never liked wearing eye-catching colours in my high school years. But once I tried, I can never go back!
Have fun playing with colours.
Taipei, the top in the world most vegan friendly cities, a paradise for vegetarian and vegan.
No matter what cuisine you're looking for, there are always thousands of choices - Chinese, Western, Japanese, even Thai or Raw food, you can always pick your favourite among all. As a food lover (well, who is not?), I found some gems in this lovely city, and would love to share with you guys.
在全球最Vegan-friendly的城市,素食人口比例很高的台北,素食餐廳的選擇本身就很多。無論是中式、西式、日式、甚至泰式或生機飲食(Raw Food),各式其式,的確是「素食者的天堂」。這次我就分享幾家我到過的素食餐廳,的確每一間都有小驚喜。
100% Vegan Food, with Homemade Tasty Dessert & Pastries
The first meal after arriving Taipei was truly enjoyable. Spacious and beautiful interior, attentive waitress (clearly explain to us when we have questions towards the food), and abundant of options on menu.
The freshly baked tartar with french baguette as appetizer was so good! Following with the Quinoa Hummus Salad with Tempeh. I have never tried Tempeh before. Originating from Indonesia, the waitress tell me this soy-product is now a new "hit" in the vegan restaurant in Taiwan. It has a firm texture and nutty flavour which is great with stir-fry or chili. Meanwhile it is very high in protein, calcium and vitamin B12, which are a very good nutrient food for vegan. Earl grey latte (made with non-GMO soybean) and orange cake with cashew cream as dessert, we had a very delicious and fulfilling evening in the restaurant.
Plants-based, Gluten-Free & Whole Food Vegan Restaurant
Free from animal products, dairy, eggs, gluten & refined-sugar, you can enjoy wholesome and delicious food here in Plants. Made with fresh, local, seasonal, organic ingredients, the creatively blended smoothie is a great start of the meal. Many superfoods are added, like turmeric (still remember my Golden Milk recipe?), Acai, Goji Berries - making these smoothies filled with nutrients.
We love the seaweed salad and Korean kimchi pancakes. You can taste the freshness in their food! Apart from the cooked options, Acai bowl and raw cakes are also available - sometimes, the pleasure doesn't have to be "Guilty" at all.
Delicious Vegan Dessert even Non-Vegans Will Love!
Tiramisu, Chocolate Brownie and Soy Latte... Girls always have room for dessert! And this one doesn't feel like vegan at all! Without milk and eggs, these desserts are very satisfying with a rich flavour. The chocolate brownie has a very dense and fudgy texture, meanwhile, the cream in the tiramisu is rich and creamy (although it is not made with a traditional Italian recipe). End with a large cup of Soy Latte to satisfy my coffee craving. (You have no idea how hard it is to find plant milk in coffee shop in Taiwan! I will share a little bit more in the next article.)
Besides these western and photogenic restaurants (good for Instagram!), I have also tried some local restaurants for Chinese dumplings, soup and even stinky tofu! I love Taipei because you never have to worry where to eat - as there are always little vegan/vegetarian restaurant around the corner! (And it's cheap too!)
Have you been to Taiwan? Let me know your favourite restaurant and I will make sure to visit them next time!
When it comes to London, we can easily associate with the unique coffee culture and the creative caffeinated community.
HAUL (noun.)
: all the products purchased by someone during a particular episode of shopping.
So, what did I buy from the long trip on July?
When it comes to shopping during travel, I am a very "precise" person - I make sure I won't buy too many stuff that I don't need (and need to worry if my baggage is too heavy!) However, July was the big SALE season in most of the cities I visited this time (Paris, London, Berlin and Copenhagen); so I got myself some pretty nice stuff from independent shops and random vintage stores. Also, my recommendations on which district/neighbourhood to visit if these cities!
旅行就亂買?「下次就沒機會了、這些都很便宜啊、去旅行就別想這麼多吧!」有說中你的心底話嗎?我卻認為亂買的後果只有行李超重和荷包更傷... 所以我都會仔細考慮過才會入手的。讓我分享今次在歐洲 (巴黎,倫敦,柏林和哥本哈根)買到些什麼吧!大多也是從獨立品牌、Select Shop等等買到。我也發覺原來旅途上 最喜歡的活動,是發掘城市中一些比較有趣的小區:很多小商店、書店;特別的小餐廳、咖啡店等等聚集區域。文章中有這幾個城市中我發最掘到最「有趣地方」的推介。
This white top is from Emin + Paul. Attracted by its volume but lightness brought by the light fabric, perfect to pair with a pair of skinny pants. I've worn it a lot in the trip since I got it, as it is really comfortable to wear!
My another favourite lifestyle shop is Labour and Wait - I always want to purchase all their nice little things for my home. Shoreditch (East London) is basically the must-visit area whenever I am in London, as you could find many independent shops and designers there (also many of the hips cafès, too!).
This is the only item I got from Paris, a silver ring. (Eur35 > Eur 20!) Plus, it could be worn as a 2-side different style!
I am a huge fan of rings, and I like to wear several minimal yet special rings on hand when it comes to styling daily look. I found this little goodie in a Pop-up store in Le Marais, a small neighbourhood with different architecture of course, but the small lanes are alive with bars & restaurants, stylish fashion shops and hip designers, art galleries and museums etc... BigLove Cafè is one of my favourite place to eat in Paris, they serve good Italian food & dessert, and the interior is very lovely too.
The open back dress - Loose cut, perfect length, with my favourite denim and showing a little but not too much skin. Perfect casual one-piece for Summer. It is from a concept store Kauf Dich Glücklich.
Last but my favourite is this nicest headband I've got from the weekend Fleamarket at Mauerpark. Every Sunday, this grassy field transforms into one of Berlin's most famous open-air flea markets. It is like a festival - besides over 100 stores, they have food stores/restaurant, also musicians playing for the public. From vintage to new designer brands & artists, there are more different stores than you can think!
So... What's your favourite neighbourhood to visit in these cities?
This trip is a treasure.
Remember at the beginning of this year, I wrote a status on Facebook:
"Copenhagen, Berlin and Stockholm."
These are the cities I really want to visit someday, because of their cultural background and vibes. Some friends who visited these cities, My boyfriend immediately texted me and say "Let's go in this year, maybe in June or July!" So, this purely "for leisure only" trip is scheduled! So here are some of my favourite photos from the 1st day in this romantic city. Look into the article for my favourite spots!
We do not have a lot of plans, but we walked a lot during the day.
We started the day with a butter croissant in the corner of the street where our hotel located. That was probably the best croissant I've had(no wonder why people say they do not want to eat any croissant other than in France!); we have it at Le Pétrin Médiéval like 3 times more before we left Paris. Also visited juice bar Otium Paris & coffee shop Caillier Paris to satisfy our cravings. The coffee shop serves super good coffee and I love the quiet morning vibe of the shop.
I haven't eaten Vegetarian Vietnamese Pho since I became a vegetarian. And you know what, my dream came true during the very first day of the trip! Thank you to the mobile APP Happy Cow, they help to find vegan & vegetarian restaurant nearby, wherever you are, there are even ratings and comments by other users. And yes, that meal in La Palanche d'Aulac was awesome and several meals were very nice too! If you're a vegetarian, you shouldn't miss it when you're travelling around! (It is a worldwide APP)
We stayed in the 9th arrondissement, Paris. The district is rich in arts and cultural stuff (like if you like music, there are so many shops selling the bass, guitar or even sound system down the street at where we live!); and little cafès and nice small restaurant in the district too. If you are looking to a quiet yet interesting district to live in, this is a good neighbourhood.
All shoot on Simple Use Film Camera LomoChrome Purple by Lomography Hong Kong & Iphone7 Plus.
If you are going to Paris soon, I think summer is really a good season to visit as there are full of sunlight and weather is super comfortable. I hope you will enjoy eating and walking in this beautiful city (and enjoy reading my article and like the photos too!)
“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.” ― Søren Kierkegaard